Monday, August 26, 2013

Architectural License

Architectural License
The design of our Republic at its best, is a fragile experiment, the foundation of its people must be morally attentive and vigilant, but apathy has absolutely no place in a free society, because it will surly be its undoing.

A little philosophy
By de Andréa
August 26, 2013

Because of our ignorant choices we are shamefully allowing America to fail, but we still have the choice to bring it back, and it begins with truth.  Listen very closely my friend; your future depends on it.

More than two hundred years ago, our Forefathers took architectural license when designing this American Constitutional Republic.  An experiment in government that was ‘limited’ to its societal necessities.  Today’ one would be hard pressed to find anyone that understood just what the American Constitutional Republic really was. 

I guess if one doesn’t know’ what one has lost, one hasn’t lost anything.  But I have been around long enough to remember or have studied enough American political history to know what a free society really is and why it works.  

‘All’ forms of society rely on the continuing moral obligation of the people within that society, which is why Benjamin Franklin, when asked what type of government they had created, he responded with;  “a Republic, if you can keep it.”   

With socialism, you eventually run out of someone else’s money and the system collapses.  With anarchy a stateless society, you eventually run out of someone else’s morality and the system devolves into utter chaos.  With a republic, if you run out of the people’s attentiveness, immorality reigns in government and then it too’ will eventually collapse.  But you will notice that I said, “‘if ’ you run out of people’s attentiveness”…  A Free Constitutional Republic is the only society in history that one has had a choice to preserve… all others, because of their design will inevitably fail.  

Thomas Paine said, “Society in every state is a blessing, but government even in its best state, is but a necessary evil; in its worse state, an intolerable one; for when we suffer, or are exposed to the same miseries by a government, which we might expect in a country without government, our calamity is heightened by reflecting that we have furnished the means by which we suffer.”

Paine is describing the very paradox of what societies are.  What happens without government will also occur with government; the same consequence, just with different actors and sometimes for different reasons.  The point that Paine was trying to make is that we hold fellowship with our fellow man as a blessing, so we desire to live in communities.  Small communities ‘do well’ without much intervention of law, as people are bound by their closeness to respect each other’s liberty, act morally, and do not tread on their neighbor’s natural rights of Life, Liberty, Property and Right to defend these rights and the ability to police themselves.  It’s what keeps freedom from self-destructing.  Read Thomas Paine’s, “Rights of man” 1772   and Frederic Bastiat’s “The Law”.   However, the larger communities become and/or the more detached man becomes from his neighbor, the less driven he will become by a personal obligation to morality.  When that occurs, the society will cry out for laws and as the society will begin to distrust his neighbor’s fair application of the laws, will elect a government big and powerful enough to enforce those laws. 

Paine expounds on this by saying: “the reciprocal blessing of which, would supersede, and render the obligations of law and government unnecessary while they remained perfectly just to each other; but as nothing but heaven is impregnable to vice, it will unavoidably happen, that in proportion as they surmount the first difficulties of emigration which bound them together in a common cause, they will begin to relax their duty and attachment to each other; and this remissness, will point out the necessity, of establishing government to supply the defect of moral virtue.”

A perfect society is governed by God and morality; that circumstance exists when people remain in tune with’ and in subjection to God and therefore remain just toward each other.  The socialist societies believe that we will all operate in a just manner because we are all the same’ and an “inherently good” people, when just the opposite is true.

The stateless societies believe we will operate in a just manner because we can police ourselves as a “society” of an “inherently moral” people.  With either of those systems there is no mechanism to compensate for the actual “inherently depraved” nature of man.  Which is why Paine points out that the people will then look to the enforcement of ‘laws’ by a body of people, entrusted to embody the morality of society, a government with unlimited power. 

THE BOTTOM LINE is this; the government becomes the compensation for the immorality of man instead of God.  The more immoral man becomes in a society, the more government is called for.  The more government we establish the less Liberty the people enjoy.  The less Liberty people enjoy the less government they want.  So hopefully one should then see that immorality is at the core of these turbulent oscillations.

Our founders believed a constitutionally protected Republic to be the most stable form of government as it is a blend of a God fearing people policing themselves, and a government to enforce the laws established by a moral society.  The Republic has lost its value when a godless PEOPLE no longer police the government.  The negligence of the people will allow them to then assume we have a “government problem” to avoid the personal responsibility of their actions.  Can there be a “government problem” that is not the result of a moral problem?  Not likely.  Therein lays the crux of the problem.  With the breakdown of the morality of the people who have abandoned their Creator, a society that was originally founded on God’s moral principals will eventually and inevitably fail. 

However, our founders believed the solution to our problem did not lie in the elimination of government, as Paine points out; societies naturally tend toward the establishment of government in some form.  The solution lies with the restoration of the society’s relationship with God.  One cannot expect a society to continue when they have not maintained the very foundation of that society.  A society built on the moral principals of a loving God will crumble as the fundamental ideology of that society deteriorates.   

Sam Adams warns: “because we have no government armed with power capable of contending with human passions unbridled by morality and religion.  Avarice, ambition, revenge, or gallantry, would break the strongest cords of our Constitution as a whale goes through a net.  Our Constitution was made only for a moral and religious people.  It is wholly inadequate to the government of any other.”

The difficulty is, as Paine points out, “nothing but heaven is impregnable to vice” and it appears to have to suffer the “necessary evil” of government as long as we are a fallen world. 

Remember, if you wish to be ignorant and free, you wish for what never was and never will be.  Soon the immoral tyranny of government takes the place of a moral loving God.  The question remains, how long will we suffer with an intolerable dictator before we cry out to God and ask Him…why he did this to us, a true sign of denial and irresponsibility in the face of the enablement of our own demise.

If you agree, please share these posts with your friends, family, co-workers.  The only way to defeat the apathy and propaganda of the government controlled media is to spread the truth.  Thanks for listening – de Andréa

Copyright © 2013 by Bottom Line Publishing -  Permission to reprint in whole or in part is gladly granted, provided full credit is given.

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