Sunday, May 12, 2013

Is Civil War Inevitable?

Is Civil War Inevitable?
Answer – A definite maybe! Maybe even on this Fourth of July…

By de Andréa
May 12, 2013

Since Obama was re-elected, he’s achieved every goal he set out to win, short of disarming the American people and that may be yet to come.  Obama’s primary objective (his mission statement if you will) is “To fundamentally change America.”  Many argue that he’s already done that.  But depending on what fundamentals one is talking about, I would argue that America was already fundamentally changed years before Obama was voted into office.

Three main things paved the way for the Obama Dictatorship:
Number one.  God was banned from the public arena and replaced with a satanic god.  The Founding Fathers warned us that only an informed and moral people could sustain a Constitutional Republic”.  As it turns out, our founding parents were right.  Only a moral people can know the difference between right and wrong.  Look at our present culture.  Wrong is right and right is wrong.  The truth is lies and lies are the truth.  We’re 180 degrees out of phase.  For heaven’s sake we can’t even agree that men shouldn’t marry other men and that we shouldn’t pull babies from their mother’s bellies and murder them.  Without God we are pond scum, and scum has no intrinsic value at all, no self-esteem, and no reason for existence.  (That might help explain the skyrocketing suicide rate in our country.)

Number two.  We lost the public school system.  Once we banned God from the schools, the liberals took over the education or indoctrination of our children.  Right under our noses they captured that generation as well as the next one.  They dumbed us down, churning out millions of low-information 18 year old voters that they could control.  And since God wasn’t there to hold us accountable, it was easy for liberal teachers to sell our children a menu of selfish immorality.  Kids don’t know any better unless they’re taught at a young age that serving others for good is better than serving your own vain and selfish appetite.  Humans are inherently evil, not inherently good.  Without God we have no moral compass.  We have got ourselves lost.

And number three.  We lost the media.  The media, is that stalwart fourth estate, the unofficial branch of government that always kicks in when the politicians lose their way, it is no longer with us.  Instead, the media is owned by liberal Nazis and Muslim Jihadists.  I should go farther and say that the media is now simply a soul-less, self-gratifying tool of Barack Obama.  (Bill Clinton was the “John the Baptist” of the liberal America hate movement, paving the way for one greater than he, one, whose sandals he is unworthy to bear. 

Bill Clinton desensitized the American public to an immoral presidency.  “I did not have sex with that woman, Monica Lewinsky.”  It depends on what the meaning of ‘Is’ is.  Now, the American people are so desensitized to immorality that it no longer matters what the president does.  It’s no big deal.  Sell machine guns to the Mexican drug cartels and cause the death of American Border Patrol agents and hundreds of innocent Mexicans?  No problem.  Withhold security from the Ambassador to Libya.  No worries.  He’s toast.  Give weapons and money to our enemy we look the other way.  And through it all, the media remains complicitly silent.

If politics is a game of Chess, then liberals are Bobby Fischer, and conservatives are The Three Stooges.  In a cunning game of patience and forethought, conservatives just can’t compete.  Conservatives have always relied on informed voters with integrity and moral fiber, but they no longer have that advantage because integrity and moral fiber no longer exists in the theater of politics, or citizenry for that matter.  It became clear to me that when Barack Obama won his second term: America was lost.  We no longer have a free society of voters capable of making prudent and independent wise decisions.  More than half our electorate are now composed of robotic narcissists who vote for their own selfish interests.

THE BOTTOM LINE: So where does all this leave us?  Is there any hope at all for America?  Maybe, but I’m skeptical.  For some time now I’ve wondered: Is there any hope for America this side of bloodshed?  Or was Thomas Jefferson correct when he said, “The tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time with the blood of patriots and tyrants?  It is its natural manure.

Prior to the first American Revolution, there was a period of about forty years where the people became unhappy with their King, where they gradually strained against the tightening bonds that sought to enslave them until they rebelled.  I see it coming again.   

The ground is fertile for both slavery and revolution.
Will Adam Kokesh and his upcoming Fourth of July armed march on Washington DC  be the next shot heard round the world?  Will it spark the next American Civil War?  Or, will it be the final nail in the coffin of freedom?  In the meantime, study your history and Pray to God for His Mercy and Grace.

Thanks for listening – de Andréa

Copyright © 2013 by Bottom Line Publishing -  Permission to reprint in whole or in part is gladly granted, provided full credit is given.

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