Tuesday, May 14, 2013

Democracy; A Precursor To Communism

Democracy; A Precursor To Communism
Yes I know you have been indoctrinated with “A Democracy is where the majority rules” and  - it is a good thing.  But trust me, it is just part of the lie of a totally Idealistic Utopia that can only lead to despotism.  I hope this will give you some insight into the far left radical liberal mind.  ‘WHY’ do they do what they do?
By de Andréa
May 12, 2013

Watching the events of the Benghazi hearings, has been more than a little disturbing to say the least.  By all rights this scandal as well as half dozen previous scandals should have lead to impeachment hearings for Obama and his entire regime.  But alas it won’t - because there isn’t enough outrage among the population because the majority has been brainwashed into accepting a worldview that espouses a big lawless government with a lot of empty promises.  Also, more than half the country is totally blind to the reality that there is something much larger at work here, if they are even aware of it all.  As sad as it is, we are truly living in an age where the freedoms of the majority have been surrendered to the agenda of the minority, and the majority of the masses just blindly follow the path laid before them by their socialist masters.  A democracy is in fact ruled and controlled by a minority.  

This will hopefully help you understand why the Framers were so vehemently opposed to DEMOCRACY.  This is why America was originally designed to be a Constitutional Republic, not a democracy, ruled by the MOB.

For those of us that are paying attention to what is going on in Washington, we face an uphill battle against a radical minority who not only controls the opinions of the masses through the communist demonic media but the so-called educational system as well.  These radicals have a vested interest in maintaining their power and they are the masters of running campaigns that literally destroy any opposition that stands in the way of their ultimate objective, a world communist paradise otherwise known as a Socialist Utopia.  It is imperative that this is understood because after all, we have a Saul Alinsky “community organizer” (code word for social communist) in the White House.

And according to communist leader Saul Alinsky-
Ridicule is man’s most potent weapon.  It is almost impossible to counter attack ridicule.  Also, it infuriates the opposition, who then react to their advantage.”

This is the fifth rule of tactics in Alinsky’s Rules for Radical Communists and can be seen on page 128 of his book on Community Organizing which is one of the books Obama lives by.  I have to say that Alinsky understood human nature at its worst.  And I must say this as well, simply because it is one of my expert observations…idealists follow...few are leaders, they all follow someone else, someone that has written a book.  The Marxists, the Nazis, the Muslims, and yes even the Jews and Christians.  So if you really want to understand the idealists, READ THEIR BOOKS.  The difference is in the books, in the Jews and Christian books one will find love and hope but in the other three one will find hate and despair.  You can intelligently choose which book to follow, but if you ignorantly leave it up to the radicals whoever they are, to indoctrinate you, you will be deceived my friend.  As I said READ THEIR BOOKS…    

This essentially explains why the politically correct paranoid republicans have developed a yellow stripe down their backs and can be regularly seen waving a white flag.  They are scared to death because there is nothing the left will not say or do to discredit them.  This Alinsky tactic is employed specifically to put the opposition on the defensive and then make them react to the most ridiculous accusations.  Another rule that Alinsky has, is that any good tactic is one that your’ people enjoy.  In other words my friend, they will sink to incredible lows and revel in destroying peoples reputations while putting them in a reactionary mode spinning their wheels trying to prove what was said about them is not true.  We have seen that this can become very nasty, yet effective in advancing their agenda.  The strategy has bordered on the ridiculous with ads such as the one depicting Paul Ryan throwing granny off the cliff, to creating mental associations connecting gun right supporters to mass murderers.  It’s called gun control, but what it is, is SOCIAL MIND CONTROL!

It is difficult for people to understand this mentality because we tend to project ourselves onto others.  Most of us try to be decent, honest citizens and would never do to others what the left does to us.  We try to do the right thing.  The left doesn’t believe in a “right thing” in the same sense that we do folks.  They believe in moral relativism which allows them to get away with anything when it comes to reaching their goals of establishing a totalitarian government.

The best way to explain this is to say that the ultimate expression of morality for the left is the sacrifice of their morality for what they believe is the greater good of mankind.  From their warped perspective the greater good of mankind means restructuring society into a one world communist totalitarian government that can make it fair and equal for everyone, it is just that they are a little more equal than ya-all.  In other words to call republicans racist and homophobes and call gun right supporters and Christians terrorists, are understood by the left to be deplorable tactics, but if they succeed in destroying the opposition then they have lived to the highest standard of morality by sacrificing their own “salvation” for the salvation of mankind.  If they are not willing to corrupt themselves for the greater good then they do not really care.  This is the way the left thinks America’ and we have to understand this if we expect to stand a chance at getting our country back.  Let’s ponder this Alinsky quote from his book for a moment- “To say that corrupt means corrupt the ends is to believe in the immaculate conception of ends and principles.  The real arena is corrupt and bloody.  Life is a corrupting process from the time a child learns to play mom against dad in the politics of when to go to bed; he who fears corruption fears life.”

He goes on to say that a “man of action does not have the luxury of making decisions consistent with his own conscience and the good of mankind, therefore he must always chose the latter”.  In other words the radical leftist believes that by sacrificing their own “personal salvation” they are in fact, as stated earlier expressing the highest form of morality because it is being done for their ultimate objective which they believe will create a perfect paradise, world communist government, a Utopia, where “The End Justifies The Means.”  They are mentally ill my friend, they are a very, very sick people.

It must be realized that this objective cannot be reached.  What they are really doing is destroying the soul of mankind because they are acting without God.  No matter how hard people try to change the truth to suit their agendas, truth will always remain the truth.  In this case truth tells us that mankind cannot and will never be able to create a perfect paradise without God.  So the natural consequence is that instead of creating a perfect paradise where everyone is equal and everything is fair, they are creating another hell on Earth because they have failed to look at what happened the last time they tried this.  Of course, if you understand the left and the depth of their depravity than you understand - to them, it may take the slaughter of another 20 million or so to reach their objective, and what happened in history is errellivent because they just didn’t try hard enough.  After all according to Darwin and Hegel a perfect society would evolve out of a bloody conflict.

What does all of this have to do with Benghazi?  Well…everything; there was a massive gun running operation at the heart of the Benghazi scandal, and it was done for the purpose of removing the Syrian president , Bashar Al-Assad in order to give control of the region to U.N. troops.  Knowing that the left is infatuated with comrade Saul Alinksy like tactics, statements like “What difference does it make” from Hillary Clinton and “Death is a part of life” from Eliah Cummings make more sense.  They are selling their souls in an attempt to protect their agenda; which they believe will eventually serve the greater good of mankind.  It should be obvious that in reality they are only concerned with serving the greater good for themselves, as well as protecting their own lies.

The real interesting thing in this discovery is that this same philosophy is found in the idealism of Nazism as well as Islamism, and the fundamental common thread is, that all three are the same Godless satanic power driven ideologies. 

THE BOTTOM LINE:  To some this up, in relation to the title “Democracy Is A Precursor To Communism”, it is a democracy that will always evolve into despotism.  And always, doesn’t mean sometimes, it means ALWAYS!  So being a history freak I have known that this event of a dictatorship was coming to America since 1913 when the first of the Framers several rules about the balance of the power was removed from our Republic.  The 17th Amendment destroyed state sovereignty and state representation in the Senate.  And then the Federal Reserve Act took the economy out of the hands of the people and placed it in the hands of a private corporation to some degree controlled by the Federal Government.  And last but not least, the unconstitutional IRS which gave the Government unlimited funds and as a result the potential of unlimited power.  These three things took place in 1913 modifying the foundation of the American experiment and changing the American Constitutional Republic into a true democracy.  The resulting rule by the minority is what we are experiencing today!  It will, as it always has in history, evolve into a pure despotic totalitarian regime.  Freedom may not even be a distant memory, as all of history will be by then, non existent, or just a fantasy.  This is the road we’re on my friend.

As Hillary Clinton said “WHAT DIFFERENCE DOES IT MAKE AT THIS POINT”!  The truth is irrelevant anyway, it’s the agenda that is important…

Thanks for listening – de Andréa

Copyright © 2013 by Bottom Line Publishing -  Permission to reprint in whole or in part is gladly granted, provided full credit is given.

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