Sunday, August 14, 2011

Global Warming Nut Goes Nuts

Mr. Albert Gore Jr. Goes Nuts in Aspen

By de Andréa

Is Al beginning to believe his own science fiction, and coming unglued because the media doesn’t?

Global warming crusader Al Gore really lost his cool and dropped several b-s and g-d bombs in a recent speech accusing climate change skeptics of manipulating the media, interesting speak from a media manipulator.

Addressing the Aspen Institute in Colorado on Aug. 4, the former vice president declared that skeptics “pay pseudo-scientists to pretend to be scientists to put out the message that: ‘This climate thing, it’s nonsense. Manmade CO2 doesn’t trap heat. It may be volcanoes.’ Bulls***! ‘It may be sunspots.’ Bulls***! ‘It’s not getting warmer.’ Bulls***!” This coming from the master of Global Warming science fiction.

The Hot Air Network’s Green Room website, which reported the outburst, observed: “It would almost be fascinating to listen to Gore lash out at those who harbor an opposing view if it weren’t so pathetic.”

New York Post columnist Andrea Peyser was even harder on Gore: “Has the guru of global warming, the Bozo of ozone and pooh-bah of the probably-not-so-endangered polar bear, gone completely off his bleeping rocker? “ I’m talking about Al Gore, the former vice president who, after losing the White House, reinvented himself as a minor deity — a Gulfstream-riding, energy-slurping, air poluting champion of Planet Earth.”

Peyser noted that Gore continued his “potty-mouthed tirade” with this comment: “It’s no longer acceptable in mixed company, meaning bipartisan company, to use the god**** ‘climate.’ word”

Marc Morano, a skeptic of manmade global warming, refuted Gore’s allegations on his Climate Depot website.

One study he cited noted that a lack of volcanic dust in the atmosphere could be responsible for a rise in average global temperatures since the 1960s if a rise in temperature even exists.

And Morano referred to a “peer-reviewed admission that ‘global surface temperatures did not rise between 1998 and 2008.’”

Several other studies linked solar activity and the sunspot cycle with the earth’s temperatures.

Gore and other global warming crusaders assert that an increase in CO2 emissions is responsible for a continuing rise in global temperatures, when CO2 could actually lead to cooling, as CO2 is food for all plant life which in turn creates O2.

But Climate Depot maintains: “It is not simply the sun or CO2 when looking at global temperatures, it is the sun, volcanoes, tilt of the earth’s axis, water vapor, methane, clouds, ocean cycles, land use, etc. Climate change is governed by hundreds of factors, or variables, not just CO2.”

Peyser pointed out that scientist Charles Monnett, who had fabricated that “melting polar ice caps had led to the death of polar bears”, was being investigated for possible scientific misconduct by the federal agency that employs him. “The population of our white fuzzy friends has actually quintupled since 1950,” Peyser writes.

If you couple that with NASA’s revelation that the earth is letting more heat escape the planet than alarmists previously thought, thus blowing a hole large in the global warming Ozone hysteria, and toss it all together, you’ve got one nutty science professor.

Mr. Gore…you might want to stick to science fiction there is more latitude there, maybe more longitude as well.

A little about Al Gore Jr.
Albert Gore enrolled in Harvard in 1965, initially planning to major in English and write novels, but later deciding to major in government. Although he was an avid reader who fell in love with scientific and mathematical theories, he did not do well in science classes in college, and avoided taking math. His grades during his first two years put him in the lower one-fifth of the class. During his sophomore year, he reportedly spent much of his time watching television, shooting pool, and smoking marijuana.

Al… you probably should have stuck with government and smoking weed…

de Andréa

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