Saturday, May 15, 2010

Obama’s New America

What will this “Change” be like, and how will Obama bring it to fruition?

By de Andréa

First, we must ask ourselves:
Just who and what is a Barack Hussein Obama? That being a direct question, I will answer it directly.

Barack Hussein Obama first and foremost is an Indonesian Wahhabist Muslim. Second, he is a Marxist Social Communist. And third, he is no American.

More than five years ago, because of the blind deception that existed in our government, I predicted that within ten years America would have a Muslim President. I just didn’t realize that it would be a reality in three or four years. At the time, I was accused of suffering from some kind of post 9/11 Muslim paranoia, seeing Muslim terrorists appearing out of thin air. Nevertheless, I knew the infiltration of Islamic Jihad had begun in America.

Despite the terrorist training camps all over the U.S. Americans began blindly electing Muslims to government positions all over this country, and then we elected a Muslim to the Congress of the United States who would only take the oath of office with his hand on the Quran. Then another and another, and then, there was Obama.

While cities, towns, and counties all over the U.S. were losing elections to Muslim candidates, the Political-Correctness philosophy was gaining popularity. We were blindly giving away our country to the Nation of Islam in the name of the new Western religion of Multi-Culturalism.

Senator Ted Kennedy said it best when he introduced the new Senator from Chicago, “Senator Osamah Bamah, Baraaka Mammah Obamah”. So I did a little research on the Senator with the funny name. I found out that he had written a book titled “Dreams from My Father”, and that his father was a Muslim.

Barry Soetoro. AKA Barrack Hussein Obama AKA Barry Dunham was born out of wedlock in the Coast Hospital in Mombassa Kenya. (I have a copy of his real Birth Certificate) While still a baby, he and his 18 year old mother Ann Dunham moved to Honolulu Hawaii to live with his grand parents (his mother’s parents). Later, Barry’s Father, Barrack Hussein Obama Senior, a Kenyan Muslim, joined them in Hawaii, they were married and filed an application in Honolulu for a Hawaiian certificate of live birth for little Barack Junior. They later divorced; Ann Obama remarried another Muslim Wahhabist, Lolo Soetoro from Indonesia, at 6 years old Barry and the family moved to Jakarta. There, Barry Soetoro was enrolled as an Indonesian citizen in a Muslim public school. Barry learned Arabic and the teachings of Allah in the Quran. Years later as a teenager Barry and his Mother visited his Grandfather in Honolulu. Barry’s Mother returned to Jakarta to finish her studies at the University of Jakarta but Barry chose to remain with his Grandfather in Hawaii.

The time Barry spent with his Grandfather was to embark him on a whole new direction in his life. Berry’s Grandfather was a Communist with close ties to the Hawaiian chapter of the communist party. One of his Grandfather’s closest friends was the infamous Saul Alinsky, leader of the local Socialist Communist party. The foundational indoctrination of Islam and Marxism Berry received as a child is what shaped his future. Read a previous article titled Obama’s Communist Background”

Coming to the US mainland 1979 he applied for a scholarship as a foreign student from Indonesia at Occidental College in Los Angles Ca and attended school there until 1981.

After 2 years at LA’s Occidental Collage Obama attended Columbia law school in New York and graduated there in 1983 he then moved to Chicago Ill and got a job as a Community organizer (code words for social Communism) something he learned in Hawaii from Saul Alinsky. He became good friends with William (Bill) Ayers a known communist terrorist and Louis Farrakhan the American Muslim leader.

By age 27 in the fall of 1988 and with a scholarship from the Louis Farrakhan Muslim Foundation he enrolled in Harvard Law School.

While attending Harvard Law School, Obama not only studied law but he devoured with a ferocious appetite, books written by Marxist Saul Alinsky. Graduating from Harvard in 1991 he returned to Chicago to practice as a civil rights lawyer and to teach constitutional law at the University of Chicago. He was elected to the Illinois State Senate in 1996. In 2004, he was elected to the U.S. Senate.

While living in Chicago Obama and his wife Michelle, attended a Black Muslim church called the United Church of Christ disguised as a Christian church. Under the tutelage of Jeremiah Wright a follower of Muslim leader Louis Farrakhan, there Obama was programmed with the Islamic hate of a free America. Wright coined the infamous speech “No, not God love America, God D#*! America.” Later, during his presidential campaign, Obama would throw all of his
Communist and Muslim friends under the bus to distance himself from his dark and shady past.
In 2007 Obama ran for President. And in spite of his background, in 2008 the American people blindly and overwhelmingly elected Barack Hussein Obama to become the 44th President of the United States. Remember, the same happend in Germany, when the people there blindly and overwelingly elected Hitler.

With two Law degrees and a foundation in Islamic Ideology and Marxists philosophy Obama could see a picture of “Change” for America. Driven by the agenda of world Islamic domination to bring about “Change” in America, Obama had tunnel vision, a vision of a Marxist - Islamic State.

So what will an American ‘Marxist–Islamic’ State look like?
If one has kept up with Modern Islamic history, one will remember the “Change” from a Christian European Democracy to an Islamic State that the Island Country of Indonesia went through beginning in the early 1950’s. Indonesia went from a European Dutch Christian Parliamentary Democratic Colony of nearly 72 percent Christians, to an Islamic State with 98 percent Muslims in less than 30 years. Or the country of Lebanon in the 1950’s was a Christian European Democracy colonized by the French until 1947 when they were given their independence. By 1983 Lebanon was an Islamic State, infiltrated by ‘The Hisbala’ from Jordan in the 1960’s.

Most of Europe, including Great Britain has be infiltrated by the Nation of Islam with the same agenda they have had for the past 1400 years, to dominate the earth and make all the world part of the Nation of Islam. For the past 30 years or more, Islam has been infiltrating the West, Western Europe, the Americas, Australia, and New Zeeland.

The first failed attempt at blowing up the World Trade Center led the ultimate destruction of several of the icons of Western civilization and culture on 9/11. This continuing agenda to destroy every thing Western culture stands for, will not stop until the ‘West’ meets ‘East’ as just another notch in the sward of Islam.

The Icon of the World Trade Center, representing the economic power of the West, the Pentagon, representing the military power of America, the failed attempt at destroying the White house or the Capital building in DC, representing the political power of the West, to the recent failed attempt at the destruction of the Entertainment Icon in time Square in NYC. The infiltration and ultimate destruction of everything representing Western culture is more than underway, it has become an excepted multi-cultural wave of the future in America. Even though we gasp every time it happens, we now turn a blind eye to our country being destroyed, incrementally and surreptitiously by Muslim terrorist infiltrators.

The worst part of this is, is that we blindly enable them. We aid the enemy of the world in their conquest of the West and our own demise.

So what will America look like?

Look at any Islamic country around the world. America will be “Changed” into an Islmic State in the same way. The people of Islam are incapable of original thought they just follow the agenda laid out in the Quran and the Hadith. .

Sharia (the law of Islam) has already been accepted in Great Britain, the Netherlands, and many European countries. Moreover, just incase one might think, well, it hasn’t come to America yet, well, you would be wrong oh future Muslim slave. Canada has accepted Sharia; the State of Michigan is almost entirely run by a de facto Sharia. Today Michigan has a greater population of Muslim terrorists that the entire country of Afghanistan. Minnesota has adopted “Sharia Finance’ to govern their banking and financial institutions.

Islam has successfully infiltrated American schools, Christian Churches, police, and law enforcement agencies, local governments, the FBI, Homeland Security, the IRS, the US Congress, the military, and now the White House. When and where will it stop? It won’t. The plan was written fourteen hundred years ago, the people of Islam have been robotically programmed to carry out this agenda, and they will never – ever – stop.

Obama is just part of this agenda of world conquest. If Islam can control the West, then world conquest is just down hill from there.

Islam is more than a religion it is a theocracy that dominates every part of ones life, from birth to hygiene, to diet, to politics, to finance, to education, to fashion, to architecture, to art, to law, to death, and oh yeah! – To, how to blow ones nose. Everything --- that is what America will look like within twenty years, maybe sooner.

What about Obama’s Social Communist agenda? Well that is just the means to an end, the means by which to achieve Islamic dominance. It is social reforms and American dependence on government programs that will reduce freedom and independent thinking to an indoctrinated programmed society. Moreover it will ultimately lead to an Islamic controlled State.

THE BOTTOM LINE: So why all the doom and gloom? Why all this negative stuff… Oh! It’s not just doom and negative gloom - it’s the truth. But is there any hope for a free America? Yes of course! Get the Nazis out of our country… That’s what we would have done under the same circumstances in 1943. Then we were at war with Nazism, today we are at war with Islam. Then we were in a war for our very survival, today we are also in a war for our very survival. It’s a no brainier.

The question is, will we wake up in time?
What’s more, will we have the stomach for it ???

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