Friday, May 07, 2010

Joe The Plummer

You remember Joe the plumber, the real American that saw right through Obama’s Communist deception while campaigning in Ohio. Yeah that’s the one, the real American the Dem’s ridiculed and wrote off as just a stupid plumber. Well he isn’t just fitting pipes anymore. Joe the Plumber has plunged into party politics.

By de Andréa

Samuel "Joe" Wurzelbacher, who was hailed by Republican John McCain's presidential campaign in 2008 as a true American, has just won one of nearly 400 seats on the local Republican Party committee in Ohio's Lucas County.

So what has Joe been doing while Obama has been destroying the country?

Joe Wurzelbacher hasn’t exactly been in hiding, he has since written a book, spoken at conservative gatherings and has even spent a few weeks as a war correspondent in the Gaza Strip.

He's resisted calls to run for Congress and has criticized Democrats and Republicans alike. He's also taken shots at McCain, confessing in his book that he did not want him as the GOP presidential nominee.

Wurzelbacher remains an icon for many antiestablishment conservatives. He drew cheers at a tea party rally last month in Cincinnati when he told the crowd not to let "a bunch of liberal pansies" take away their rights.

"Illegal immigration?" he said. "Put a fence up and start shooting."
Wurzelbacher has never been shy about sharing his views even if they open him up to critics.

He told Christianity Today in an interview last year that he believes gays are "queer" and said he won't allow them near his children. "I've had some friends that are actually homosexual. And, I mean, they know where I stand, and they know that I wouldn't have them anywhere near my children," he said. "But at the same time, they're people, and they're going to do their thing."

He also said that “too many Republicans use God to invoke sympathy or invoke righteousness, but they don't stay the course."

Although a little early to say he has become a politician, the group he has been elected to meets only a few times a year to elect the county chairman and sets the party agenda. Wurzelbacher won the seat by a 38-24 vote Tuesday in his suburban Toledo precinct.

He became an overnight sensation almost two years ago after questioning then-Sen. Barack Obama on the campaign trail about his socialistic economic policies when McCain repeatedly cited "Joe the Plumber" in a debate.

He was held up by the GOP as an example of the middle-class worker who would be hurt economically by an Obama presidency.

Because of Joe’s outspoken opinions he was thoroughly scrutinized by governmental agencies. Look at a few of these background searches.

At the risk of stating the obvious… Independent thinking among Americans like Joe Wurzelbacher is rare. One could attribute this phenomenon to his lack of a formal indoctrination or robotically programmed brain washing by the federally controlled University system. What ever the reason, Joe, as in the case of the obvious majority of American robots, was not deceived by the lies of “Change”, that Obama was mesmerizing the American public with.

No Joe “The Plummer” Wurzelbacher has certainly escaped the systematic programming of androids that the majority of Americans have obviously been subjected to. If nothing else Joe is an old fashion independent thinker, the kind of individual that founded this once free nation of ours.

Our early history records that our freedom was won from an oppressive government much the same as the one we now find ourselves subjected to. Let us hope and pray that we as a nation can break away from this collective programming and once again develop a heart for independence freedom and liberty.

Thanks Joe!

de Andréa

1 comment:

Aidan Cole said...

Don’t encourage him. I would not be surprised if Joe Dubya, with his down home, fly-over state appeal and wholesome, Mr. Clean-esque looks, were to use this as a launching pad for future endeavors, which may eventually extend to jailing gays and outlawing poor people. Say it ain’t so, Joe.