Friday, April 02, 2010

Obama Says Drill, Drill, Drill

Yeah baby, I got your drill right here!

By de Andréa
April 1, 2010

Drill Baby Drill; has Obama jumped on the oil burning bus? Guess again…

Here’s how it works. Obama goes all over the country begging for more drilling off the east coast and Alaska. He makes himself a hero of those demanding energy independence--just like he is promoting nuclear energy. And yet we do not have drilling and no nuclear energy, nor will we.

All the while he knows that his regulatory agencies will not issue the permits and the courts will stop any new drilling for a generation. He just wants to get credit for the "drill baby, drill" campaign while knowing it can never happen with his agencies and the courts. He will shrug his shoulders saying… well I tried, but those nasty conservatives stopped it!
The cynicism of Obama typifies the works of his Communist friend Saul Alinsky; Obama is simply following the robotic program of a lifetime of indoctrination.

Obama has made no secret of the fact that in his decision was the intention of securing Republican support for a sweeping climate change bill that has languished in Congress.

But Obama has long ‘stated’ his support in favor of the tough decision to expand offshore drilling. The key word there is “stated”

So, he is using this to get political advantage, knowing it will not happen, then he is going to use Lindsay Graham, the Arlen Specter of South Carolina (Graham along with McCain has been advocating amnesty for illegal aliens) to pass this massive tax increase, Cap and Tax, kill jobs--all because BO, Graham and their friends suffer from a serious disease, AGS--Al Gore Syndrome. In the case of Obama, it is about power and controle, not policy.

Corruption has many forms--this is just one of them.

Obama does not intend to allow drilling--this is the reality, this is his audition as a script writer for Saturday Night Live or a cartoonist for Lucy pulling the football from Charlie Brown’s hands--this is a joke on us… that is, if we buy into it.

Readers on Drudge read that President Obama was willing to consider drilling on the OCS: Reversing a ban on oil drilling off most U.S. shores, President Barack Obama announced an expansive new policy that could put oil and natural gas platforms in waters along the southern Atlantic coastline, the eastern Gulf of Mexico and part of Alaska.

Yeah, And I have a bridge to nowhere and it’s for sale cheap…

When I read that, I was highly skeptical, mostly because I knew one of the things that Congress is thinking about debating next is Cap and Trade. FNCs Jim Angle said that he had conversations with Democrat staffers who admitted that this is all about capturing Republican votes for Cap and Trade.

The Democrats will put a cap and trade system in place that is as aggressive, if not more aggressive, than anybody else’s out there.

The Democrats will call for a 100% auction on the cap and trade system, which means that every unit of carbon or greenhouse gases emitted would be charged to the polluter. That will create a market in which whatever technologies are out there that are being presented, whatever power plants that are being built, that they would have to meet the rigors of that market and the ratcheted down caps that are being imposed every year.

So if somebody wants to build a coal-powered plant, they can; it’s just that it will bankrupt them because they’re going to be charged a huge sum for all that so-called greenhouse gas that’s being emitted. I have a greenhouse, I wonder if it emits gas?

There was no way that I will to take President Obama at his word on energy exploration, especially after he said that inflating the tires on our cars would save millions of barrels of oil a year:

There are other things that you can do to save energy. Making sure your tires are properly inflated is a simple thing. But could we save all the oil that they’re talking about getting from drilling if everyone was just inflating their tires and getting regular tune-ups? Yah right!

Obama is all about dependence, not independence

Presidents that talk about letting people build coal-fired power plants just to bankrupt them aren’t a proponent of oil exploration or independence. Someone that proposes legislation that would cause energy prices to skyrocket doesn’t suddenly join forces with Gov. Palin on a campaign of Drill, Baby, Drill.

Its important that we remember that President Obama was going to add tort reform to the health care reconciliation bill. The rhetoric was optimistic, the actions not so much.

President Obama’s tort reform was a sham because it was only a study on tort reform.

"Just words, just words"…

This is part of President Obama’s pattern. Obama’s concept of bipartisan, is accepting a popular GOP proposal in word, and then gutting the proposal before it makes it into legislation?

President Obama should be given a medal for mastering the art of sounding reasonable and bipartisan while remaining bitterly partisan and unreasonable. People with a conscience can’t do that, but President Obama does it effortlessly.

THE BOTTOM LINE: IfWE THE PEOPLE” had any sense we would expect a lot of good talk from Obama but absolutely no good action. What action there is, (trust me now) is all bad for America, bad for freedom and bad for all living things. Even for his corrupt elitist cronies and Czars. Nothing good comes out of Communism, even for the Communists. In addition; nothing good can come out of Islam, especially for the Kaffaar. Obama will not Drill, Drill, Drill, for two reasons. One, it will lead to energy independence. If there is anything Obama does not want it is independence of any kind. And two, he wants us to be dependent and he wants us to be dependent on Islam.

I wouldn’t be surprised that if Obama gets reelected (God help us) that he will attempt to replace Christmas with Ramadan.

Have you purchased your prayer rugs yet? Better get them before the Ramadan rush…

Have you noticed that he is replacing Israel as an ally, with the Palestinians?

Moreover, he did pull the plug on Granny! Oh! she didn’t die yet? Well you see when a farmer pants his seeds he can’t expect his crops to be growing the very next day or even in a week, it takes awhile.

You just wait; Granny will die, if Obama has his way…

de Andréa

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