Thursday, March 25, 2010

Is Obama-Care Unconstitutional?

McCain Feingold Overturned…
Yes Finally the Supreme Court upholds the constitution.The unconstitutional part of the McCain Feingold bill that totally took away your political free speech rights during a political campaign was overturned by your so-called “Constitutional Watchdog” the U.S. Supreme Court. Now what about Obama-Care?

By de Andréa

Under the Obama regime and the Communist majority in Congress nearly every bill that was past by congress and signed into law by Obama in the past year is in direct violation of the U.S. Constitution. Moreover, the Supreme Court, the protector of our Constitutional rights, looks the other way.

Historically, the First Amendment was included in the Constitutional Convention because of two main issues, one because of religious rights, and two the right of political free speech. The McCain Feingold bill limited political speech 30 days before an election to only recognized news organizations

The US Supreme Court on January 21 2010 struck down a major portion of the landmark McCain-Feingold campaign finance law that prevented personal, union, and corporate paid political ads in the final 30 days of election campaigns. The court also ruled that corporations could spend as much as they want to, to support candidates running for Congress or President.

The case was brought by Citizens United, a conservative advocacy group that challenged restrictions on its ability to air a 90-minute film that was highly critical of then-Sen. Hillary Rodham Clinton during her 2008 presidential bid. The cased centered on whether the restrictions on political expenditures by corporations and unions stifled protected speech.

No mon., no fun
What is hard to understand about the U.S. Supreme Court, is, that its watchdog status is limited to someone with standing, backed by an organization with several million dollars to bring an obvious violation of Constitutional law by the Congress of the United States to their attention.

In other words “Money Talks” otherwise you lose your constitutional rights. The Supreme Court is not self-motivated to do their job of monitoring and protecting our Constitution.

It took eight years for someone to scrape up the millions of dollars necessary to take a blatant violation of Americas Constitutional rights to the attention of the U.S. Supremes.

What if one cannot find someone with standing willing to spend a fortune just to attempt at prosecuting a violation of the highest law in the land by our own federal legislators. Then the illegal, unconstitutional, law stands and America surreptitiously becomes a nation without any rights, incrementally losing them one by one.

At no time in history is this more evident then today. Under the Obama regime and the Communist majority in Congress nearly every bill that was past by congress and signed into law by Obama in the past year is in direct violation of the U.S. Constitution. Moreover, the Supreme Court the protector of our Constitutional rights, looks the other way. It does appear however that 37 States have filed suit against the Federal Government over the constitutionality of the Obama-Care Socialized Medicine mandatory health care plan that has just been signed into law.

Obama-Care violates the constitution on several points. First, there is nothing in the constitution that allows the Federal Government to be involved in your personal health. Then there is the question; can the government mandate that you buy anything, much less a specific kind of insurance? But the real scary issue here is, will it take eight years to bring this to the U.S. Supreme Court? By then it will be too late to reverse the dependence that the citizens will have on the Communist-socialized health care system. Maybe that is what this Communist administration is counting on.

THE BOTTOM LINE: The fact that the main purpose of U.S. Federal Congressional Law is to uphold, protect and strengthen the freedom and rights of the people of these United States no longer seems to occur to our elected legislators, mush less the president.

As I recall back in the mid to late 1700’s there was something about a tax on tea that ultimately led to a revelation. The main objection to the tea tax was not so much the tax on tea, but the lack of representation.

Let me ask you this…Do you feel represented, or do you feel outrage?

Click on the URL below, if you want to read some of the more controversial parts of the Obama-care bill.

de Andréa

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