Wednesday, September 23, 2009

The FCC to Censor the Net

Masked as regulating Internet service providers, Obama wants the Fed to be able to censer your e-mail, and outlaw bloggers critical opposing views of Government.

By de Andréa

Reminiscent of ‘Tass’, the Soviet News Agency, Obama wants total and complete control of the news media whether private or public. Of course he does. What good Communist Dictator wouldn’t???

The end of truth and free speech is at hand.
Since the Internet took root as a mass communications phenomenon in the mid 1990s, a quiet war has raged in Washington over the extent to which the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) would regulate this new free media.

Until, now the Internet has been largely self-regulated, the FCC has taken a hands-off approach, this, until the Obama take over of the media, all of it, and it will change dramatically soon if the Obama regime has its way.

During the weekend, press reports revealed a stunning development: The Obama administration will bypass Congress and announce Monday that the FCC will propose new rules to embrace what it calls "Net Neutrality." Code word for “Internet Censorship”

Obama's new Federal Communications Commission chairman, Julius Genachowski, a nice Communist Jewish boy, will use a speech to the Brookings Institution, a liberal Communist think tank, to announce his new FCC regulations

As I said, “Net Neutrality” is masked to be a popular and fair proposal, but is just the proverbial foot in the door for a Government take over of the last free communication medium of the American people.

According to the Associated Press, Genachowski will "propose new rules that would prohibit Internet service providers from interfering with the free flow of information and certain applications over their networks.” Interestingly, because of competition, service providers do not interfere with the free flow of information. The user will simply go to another service provider.

The FCC rules "would bar Internet service providers such as Verizon Communications Inc., Comcast Corp. or AT&T Inc., from slowing or blocking certain services or content flowing through their vast networks," according to the AP.

But don’t be fooled; these proposals are nothing more than a backdoor way for Obama’s FCC to tighten federal control over the Internet by beginning with the regulation of Internet service providers, masked as protection for the American people from the nasty Corporations. What I need is protection from my Government.

Just as the ‘Fairness Doctrine’ the ‘Net Neutrality’ is designed to curb the flow of opposing views of the general public. The ultimate goal being to make good little programmed robots out of us all, until we are all incapable of original thought.

What we will have…as in “Cool Hand Luke” --- “IS A FAILURE TO COMMUNICATE”

The battle lines over so-called Net Neutrality have formed along partisan and ideological lines, with some exceptions.

During the presidential campaign, Obama said he would embrace “Net Neutrality” — a cause championed by Google and other Silicon Valley companies that don't want large Internet service providers denying or controlling their access to Internet users. “ The government will take away your rights and freedom, ---always in the name of protection.

Republicans have largely opposed Net Neutrality, sighting that self regulation has worked well. The previous FCC chairman, Bush appointee Kevin Martin opposed Net Neutrality, He said: “because it was not needed.” So if it is not needed then, one might ask --- why is it needed now? The answer can only be because now Obama wants complete control.

The libertarian CATO Institute, in a 2004 policy analysis concluded: "The regulatory regime envisioned by Net Neutrality mandates would also open the door to a great deal of potential 'gaming' of the regulatory system and allow firms to use the regulatory system to hobble competitors. Worse yet, it would encourage more FCC regulation of the Internet and broadband markets in general." In other words, as always when Government wants to control something they will create a reason. Because the existing government regulation isn’t working…well then, we must need more government regulation.

Liberal Communist Democrats in Congress have pushed for such controls in the past without success. In 2006 House Democrats offered an amendment to make Net Neutrality law, but the motion failed.

At the time Republicans warned of efforts to control the Internet.

"I want a vibrant Internet just like they do, said " Rep. Lamar Smith, a Texas Republican during the 2006 House debate over the issue. "Our disagreement is about how to achieve that. They say let the government dictate it . . [Note the use of the word “Dictate”]. I urge my colleagues to reject government regulation of the Internet."

If our government truly wants a vibrant Internet and the free flow of ideas, guess what! We already have that on the Net. Just leave it alone.

THE BOTTOM LINE: My disagreement, even with Rep Smith is his quote;” Our disagreement is about how to achieve that.” We --- my brainwashed friend, have already achieved that, it’s called “free Speech” what’s more we don’t need the Governments help, what we need is for the Government to get out of the way and let us live our lives in freedom..

The Last Open Road…
May have a dead end…

de Andréa

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