Thursday, June 04, 2009

America’s Muslim President Speaks

“The number of Muslims in the U.S. would make America one of the largest Muslim countries in the world," claimed President Obama in an interview released this week.

By de Andréa

His assertion, which is factually inaccurate on a percentage of population bases, comes a day before he is set to deliver a much-anticipated address to the Muslim world from his unholy land of Saudi Arabia, and of course, Cairo Egypt.

Al-Obammah says "Now, the flip side is I think that the United States and the West generally, we have to educate ourselves more effectively on Islam. And one of the points I want to make is, is that if you actually took the number of Muslims Americans, we'd be one of the largest Muslim countries in the world. And so there's got to be a better dialogue and a better understanding between the two peoples." This from a man that thinks there are 52 States.

In all fairness to Obama however, I may be one of the few who knows what he meant. Even though there are only approximately 8 million Muslims in the U.S. or a little less that 3 percent of the population, (and growing faster than any other religious group I might add) putting America about 50th in percentage of Muslim population, 8 million is in fact one of the largest Muslim populations of any country in the world. For example the State of Michigan alone has a population of Muslims greater than the entire country of Afghanistan.

Another one of his confusing statements is that “America is no longer a Christian Nation, America is an Islamic Nation”.

Moreover don’t forget the Statement he let slip, that he is “proud of his Muslim Faith”

From this vantage point, two events this week appear to be ominous straws in the wind, warnings of a "man-caused" maelstrom that may inexorably plunge the Middle East into another, potentially cataclysmic war.

The first is the fact that Israel feels obliged to undertake an unprecedented, country-wide civil defense exercise this week. At one point in its course, every man, woman and child in the Jewish State is supposed to seek shelter from a simulated attack of the kind Iran may shortly be able to execute against it.

The second is President Obama's latest effort to reach out to the Muslim world, this time on June 4 from one of its most important capitals, Cairo. There, he is expected to make an address that will reiterate his previous statements on the subject - pronouncements that, unfortunately, can only have been interpreted by his intended audience as acts of submission.

Be prepared for an abandonment of Israel
If past is prelude, the President of the United States will: apologize yet again for purported offenses against Muslims by his country; he will promise to be respectful of Islam, including those who adhere to its authoritative, if virulent, theo-political-legal program known as Shariah; and enunciate diplomatic priorities and initiatives designed to reach out to America's enemies in the region, while putting excruciating pressure on its most reliable ally there, Israel.

This pressure has become more palpable by the day. It has taken various forms, including: U.S. stances adopted at the United Nations that will serve to isolate Israel; blank political and even financial checks for Palestinian thugs like Mahmoud Abbas; diminishing U.S.-Israeli cooperation on intelligence and military matters; and the withholding from Israel of helicopters (and perhaps other weaponry) being provided to Islamic terrorist states.

Perhaps the most chilling example of this coercive pressure so far, however, was originally reported in the Israeli paper Yediot Aharonot and given international prominence by my contact at the Jerusalem Post columnist and editor, Caroline Glick listen to a speech by Caroline Glick. According to these accounts, in a recent lecture in Washington, U.S. Army Lieutenant General Keith Dayton, the American officer charged with training Palestinian military forces in Jordan, made a shocking declaration.

In Carol Glick's words,
"[Gen. Dayton] indicated that if Israel does not surrender Judea and Samaria within two years, the Palestinian forces he and his fellow American officers are now training at a cost of more than $300 million could begin killing Israelis.” She went on to note that neither the general nor the Obama administration seemed to find this prospect grounds for rethinking the wisdom of such a training-and-arming program. In fact, her column observed that Defense Secretary Robert Gates "just extended Dayton's tour of duty for an additional two years and gave him the added responsibility of serving as Obama's Middle East mediator George Mitchell's deputy."

Taken together with the U.S. administration's refusal to come to grips with what truly is the most serious threat to peace in the Middle East - Iran's rising power and growing aggressiveness, reflecting in part its incipient nuclear weapons capabilities - the stage is being inexorably set for the next, and perhaps most devastating, world conflict. Maybe what the Bible refers to as Armageddon.

Whether the signals Mr. Obama is sending are intended to communicate such a message or not, they are going to be read by Israel's enemies as evidence of a profound rift between the United States and the Jewish State. In this part of the world, that amounts to an invitation to an open season on Israel.

It is hard to believe that the Obama Middle East agenda enjoys the support of the American people or their elected representatives in Congress. Historically, the public and strong bipartisan majorities on Capitol Hill have appreciated that an Israel that shares our values, that is governed democratically and that is in the cross-hairs of the same people who seek our destruction is an important ally. Quite apart from a sense of moral and religious affinity for the Jewish people's struggle to survive in their ancient homeland, most of us recognize that it is in the United States' strategic interest to stand with Israel.

It is understandable that a Muslim like Mr. Obama does not appear to share this appreciation. Because as he says America is not only a Muslim Nation it is one of the largest Muslim Nations on the planet. Better get your prayer rug and get used to it. To those who are worried about his affinity and submission to the Saudi king and Islam, and more generally his longstanding ties to virulent critics of Israel like Columbia University professor Rashid Khalidi and former Harvard professor-turned-National Security Council staffer Samantha Power, the President's attitude is not exactly a surprise. It is supported by the friends he makes.

THE BOTTOM LINE: As the implications of President Obama's Mideast policies - for the United States as well as Israel - become clearer, that he is nothing but a Muslim terrorist, he will hopefully find himself facing the sort of popular and congressional revolt that has confronted him in recent weeks on Guantanamo Bay where he wants to release his terrorist friends into the American/Islamic culture. The question is: Will such a reaffirmation of American solidarity with and support for Israel come in time to prevent the winds of war being whipped up by Mr. Obama's Muslim posturing and rhetoric - and driving Israelis into bomb shelters - from wreaking havoc in the Middle East, and perhaps far beyond?

We may want to re-evaluate: Just who the enemy of freedom really is…

de Andréa

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