Saturday, February 28, 2009

Gun crime 60 percent higher than official figures

It has been revealed that the true level of gun crime in the country is far higher than the Government admits in official statistics

By de Andréa

A figure published by the Home Office massively understates the scale of the problem.

Before you anti-Second Amendment, anti-American anti-gun nuts say--- see I told you so… Let me clear up a very important fact; this article is about the United Kingdom of Great Britain where there has been a gun ban since the early 1990’s. That’s right you read it correctly, The U.K. is nearly a total gun-ban nation. The gun crime in the United States on the other hand since the rise of Concealed Carry permits in the 1990’s, has been declining.

Data provided to The Sunday Telegraph by nearly every police force in England and Wales, under freedom of information laws, show that the number of firearms incidents dealt with by officers annually is more than 60 per cent higher than figures stated by the Home Office. It would appear that the same kind of statistical; fraud committed by the anti-gun group ‘The Brady Bunch’ here in America is also running rampant in the Home Office of the UK.

Last year at least 5,600 firearms offences were excluded from the official figures. It means that, whereas the Home Office said there were only 9,800 offences in 2007/8, the real total was over 15,400. The latest quarterly figures, just released, will again exclude a significant number of incidents. All this, is to support and promote the false philosophy that less guns, less crime, when the opposite is actually true. The truth is, there wasn’t even less crime per capita before the gun was invented in the 1500’s.

The explanation for the gulf is that the Government figures only include cases where guns are fired, used to "pistol whip" victims, or brandished as a threat and many of those are eliminated because of technicalities. This in a country that has no guns…um’ interesting! Sounds a little our College campuses in the U.S. where there is no gun-crime because they are gun-free zones. Oh yea!

Thousands of offences including gun-smuggling and illegal possession of a firearm - which normally carries a minimum five-year jail sentence - are omitted from the Home Office's headline count, raising questions about the reliability of Government crime data.

Dominic Grieve, the shadow home secretary, said: "These alarming new figures not only highlight the appalling state of gun crime in the U.K., but also remind us just how poor the Government's statistics actually are. "Crime statistics must also be compiled and published independent of the Home Office, and crime mapping rolled out so that people can have confidence in what they are being told about the state of crime in this country."

Chris Huhne, the Liberal Democrat home affairs spokesman, said the figures revealed the extent to which gun crime is a "scar on society. It is shocking that the Home Office is in denial about the extent of gun crime by refusing to include offences where a gun is present but not brandished," he said.

"This is another strong reason why the Home Office should not be in charge of collecting its own statistics, which should be put directly under the responsibility of the Office for National Statistics.” By contrast, it is the FBI in the U.S. that is responsible for the national Crime statistics as well as the U.S. Bureau of Statistics which shows violent crime as well as gun crimes on the decline even though the population of illegal alien criminals has increased

"Gun crime must be treated with the same seriousness and concern as knife crime which is also on the rise. Both are a scar on our society.” In all, there were at least 5,612 offences excluded from the Home Office's official gun crime total last year, according to figures supplied by police forces.

The Sunday Telegraph also recently revealed that knife crime figures were at least two-thirds higher than official figures.

Police statistics also showed forces in England and Wales are on course to a record 38,000 serious knife crimes this year, or more than 100 a day, compared with last year's official total of 22,151 offences, a figure announced by the Home Office in July in its first annual count of knife crimes. Moreover there are also serious restrictions on the possession of knives in Merry Old England. In other words one could certainly not engage in a Sword fight in the streets of London without drawing attention of the Bobbies in the neighborhood.

It’s not like the ole ‘diys’ is it now???

Blimy, a bloke can’t ave any fun at-all now can ‘e’…

THE BOTTOM LINE: ---if you want more crime, ban more guns…

de Andréa


YouAreWrong said...

Yet what you are ommitting, is that even with this inflation taken into account the USA still has 22 times more violent gun crimes than the UK total gun crime, and the US has a population only 5 times that of the UK.

Of course my comparison is actually unfair to the UK. As the comparison was between all gun crime and the USA's violent gun crime. When we compare violent gun crime, i.e. the Home Office figures then the US has a staggering 35 more gun crimes.

Anonymous said...

Post links to your sources, please. Both of you.