Wednesday, January 07, 2009

Muslim Lawyer Brands Christmas “Evil”

As Christians lay fast asleep, Inch by inch Sharia law is taking over the west.

By de Andréa

In case you might wonder why I continue to write about the Muslim takeover in Europe, something even most Europeans are not yet totally aware of, and certainly most Americans are not aware of, is that looking at what is taking place in Europe is like looking into the future of America. Moreover this future is fast becoming the present.

Islam is like an infestation of termites in your house. If the occupants just lay asleep by their backyard pools occasionally waking to sip on their Mint Juleps, the termites will slowly but surely consume their house from the inside. By the time it has become obvious that there is something wrong inside their home, it is too late, ones home now belongs to the insects that have been surreptitiously and incrementally infiltrating it for years.

While the owners have been going about their own priorities, they have been oblivious to the fact that this evil insect of Islam has been stealthy infecting their country This is what has been happening for years in Europe, and America is now only a hairs breath behind. As you read the short article below, found in the London Daily Telegraph, ask yourself what the “establishment media” would be saying today if the “Chairman of the Society of Christian Lawyers” had publicly proclaimed that Ramadan is “evil,” and a “pathway to hellfire.” Do the ‘Denmark Cartoons’ come to mind…

Remember---- this Muslim lawyer who branded Christmas as “evil” is not just any Muslim lawyer, but the Chairman of the Society of Muslim lawyers. Note also that he is the Principal Lecturer at the London School of Shariah law, and a follower and supporter of the Islamic terrorist leader Omar Bakri Mohammed.”

These are Muslims for example that American financial institutions are affiliating with as they offer Shariah-compliant financial products. These are Muslims that are on the boards and committees in every aspect of our American Government. These are the kinds of people that are indoctrinating our kids in our American schools and colleges. Slowly eating away at the very fabric of our culture and surreptitiously replacing it with their own evil agenda, all, while we are going about our own priorities or enjoying a nap in the sun by our backyard pool.

We need to take good a long look at just what is going on in our front yard, and right inside our own country, before as in Europe, there is nothing left to do but to give it to the Muslim insects.

Muslim lawyer Anjem Choudary brands Christmas 'evil'
Muslim preacher Anjem Choudary has branded Christmas "evil" in a sermon posted on the internet.

By Murray Wardrop The Daily Telegraph (London)

To read this article on line at the Daily Telegraph Click here

The lawyer, who recently praised the Mumbai terror attacks in India, urged all Muslims to reject traditional Christmas celebrations, claiming that they are forbidden by Allah.

The 41-year-old shocked Christians and even those of his own faith by branding yuletide festivities as "the pathway to hellfire".

Choudary, who is chairman of the Society of Muslim Lawyers, ruled out all celebrations, including having a Christmas tree, decorating the house or eating turkey.

In the sermon posted on an Islamic website, he said: "In the world today many Muslims, especially those residing in western countries, are exposed to the evil celebration Christmas. “

Many take part in the festival celebrations by having Christmas turkey dinners. "Decorating the house, purchasing Christmas trees or having Christmas turkey meals are completely prohibited by Allah.

"Many still practice this corrupt celebration as a remembrance of the birth of Jesus.

"How can a Muslim possibly approve or participate in such a practice that bases itself on the notion Allah has an offspring? “

The very concept of Christmas contradicts and conflicts with the foundation of Islam”.

"Every Muslim has a responsibility to protect his family from the misguidance of Christmas, because its observance will lead to hellfire. Protect your Paradise from being taken away – protect yourself and your family from Christmas."

Choudary is Principal Lecturer at the London School of Shari'ah and a follower of the Islamist militant leader Omar Bakri Mohammed.

Earlier this year, he led a meeting at the heart of the area where the liquid bombers lived, which warned of a British September 11.


THE BOTTOM LINE “The very concept of Christmas contradicts and conflicts with the foundation of Islam,” says this Muslim Lawyer. This quote says it all, but what it really says is that Islam conflicts and contradicts every other religion, ideology, philosophy, and politic in the world and therefore is not compatible with any other culture, of any country, island or continent.

Unless you are looking forward in the near future to celebrating Ramadan instead of Christmas, may I suggest that you toss your Mint Julep get up off your chase lounge and read the following, then Act now for America. Trust me on this… The Termites won’t wait…

We need your activism and involvement on every level to help us protect our country. Please forward these posting notices to your friends and family and urge them to subscribe to receive them directly. Get involved with an ACT chapter network. We are going to need to organize on the grass roots level to put pressure on our banking system and even boycott some major banks to stop this Islamic Shariah financing. More information will be forthcoming in the future.

ACT also continues to need your financial support as we forge ahead with this important work. If you haven’t joined our Patriot Partner program, click here to find out how you can support us in this way. If we are going to win the struggle against Islamofascism and preserve freedom in America, we need to have the necessary supplies in our “war-chest” to fight effectively.

Your government is ignorantly promoting the advancement of this dangerous Islamic ideology because they are deceived. If freedom is to be saved for your children and future generations it will be up to you.

What can you do???
Join Act for America If you haven’t already done so, then do yourself and your family a favor; educate yourselves about Islam. The quickest, easiest, and least expensive way to get started is by going to my general web site THE BOTTOM LINE and page down and read all the articles on Islam and then buy two books from a lady who isn’t afraid of Islam or telling the truth about what is going on in America, and who has devoted her entire life to saving your lives and your freedom.

Brigitte Gabriel lost her childhood and nearly lost her life to first -- the same cultural Jihad of infiltration that we are also now experiencing, in America, and second, the subsequent violent Jihad of Lebanon in the 1970’s. She writes her riveting story in a book called “Because They Hate” it’s about growing up from ages 10 to 17, with bullets and rockets flying over her head. She lived in a hole in the ground, in the middle of a war zone of violent Islamic terror for seven years. Even her warm fuzzy so-call moderate Muslim neighbors turned on her and her family because Brigitte and her parents were Christian Lebanese (Phoenicians) and this was, after all, the Islamic Jihad of Lebanon and they were the hated Kaffaar...

If you contribute nothing toward this war against Islamic Cultural Jihad going on right now, right here in America, then you had better prepare yourself for the violent, militant Jihad that follows. And if you don’t prepare yourself for a bloody war in the streets of your neighborhood, then you had better prepare yourself and your family for death…I don’t know how I can make it any clearer than that.

In her latest book “They Must Be Stopped” subtitled, Why We Must Defeat Radical Islam and How We Can Do It, you will have your eyes opened to the true agenda of all Muslims.

The following is an example of some of the chapter titles that will give you an idea of how dynamic and hard-hitting this book addresses the issues. "Purists Drink Their Islam Straight" "The Muslim Brotherhood Project for North America" "Reviving the Caliphate: One World Nation under Allah, Super-sizing the Muslim World" "The Subtle Islamization Agenda: Boiling the West Alive" "Madrassas in America and Abroad: Molding an Islamofascist Youth"

The same cultural Jihad that preceded the war or (violent Jihad) in the predominantly Christian Democratic Nation of Lebanon exists right now, right here; in America.

How do we stop it? You and your whole family can get started by joining with Brigitte and me, and join Act for America, click here to receive a free online subscription to her news letters, and then by reading her two books. Just click on the titles Because They Hate and They Must Be Stopped to order the books on line.

Once you have learned about the agenda of Islam unfolding right here in America in front of the blind eyes of our government and Homeland Security, as well as the Islamic indoctrination of our children in our public schools. Then you can intelligently contact your Federal, State, and local Representatives and tell them what you know. Trust me; you will know more than they do about the infiltration of cultural Jihad in America. Can’t happen here you say? Think again, it is already happening here and has already happened to America’s greatest Ally, Great Britain. The British people are already living under Sharia law. Parliamentary law is surreptitiously and incrementally disappearing and Great Britain has become The Great Islamic State of Britannia.

The alternative to this is, to continue in ignorance and enable Islam to surreptitiously and incrementally infiltrate our society just as they did in the more than a dozen other country’s in the world that are today existing under the bondage of Islamic terror and Sharia law.

Islam offers the Kaffaar three options: One, covert to Islam, and two, to become a Slave of Islam, or three, you can choose a horrifying torturous death.

I am offering you, (“the Kaffaar”) only one choice; the forth choice . And that is the choice to fight back now…

I strongly suggest, for your sake and the sake of your children, that you click on the forth choice

Remember: These Colors Don’t Run…

de Andréa

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