Friday, October 17, 2008

Wall Street Bailouts

Do Wall Street Bailouts Mean America Has Become 'Socialist Communists'? Jim Cramer of CNBC’s Mad Money says government has engaged in Marxist philosophies in the AIG bailout. Now General Motors wants to be bought out by the government as well. Is this the beginning of the end of a free capitalist market in the U.S.? It certainly isn’t the beginning, but it may just be the end.

By de Andréa

On May 31, 1913 the 17th Amendment to the U.S. Constitution was passed, ending forever the original ‘Constitutional Republic of America’. What followed was the beginning of a true Democracy. Which according to all of history can only incrementally progress toward a Socialistic Dictatorship, is this why the Democrat Party calls itself the “Progressive Party”?

A little less than 100 years has passed since the congressional destruction of the American Republic. Since its demise, the United States has progressively inched its way toward a socialistic society with more and more social programs, causing an ever increasing dependence on government for what the 10th Amendment so clearly states is to be left up to the states or to the people.

A ‘National Government’ was so greatly feared by the Framers for good reason. The ‘Federalizing’ of the central government was to be kept in its place by the Constitution and followed by the 10th Amendment. In the one hundred years after the 17th Amendment and the subsequent introduction of ‘National Socialism’ we now may have the beginning of government ownership of big business.

In an article below by: Jeff Poor of Business & Media Institute one can read what the experts have to say, as they observe this as more than just an economic tragedy,
9/17/2008 12:01:16 PM

The federal government’s intervention and prevention of the collapse of American International Group (AIG) represents an acceptance of Marxist philosophies, according to some CNBC analysts.

“They never made the real calls, they never made the tough decisions,” CNBC “Mad Money” host Jim Cramer said on MSNBC’s “Morning Joe” September 17 of financial leaders.

“Their ideology was such they believed everyone should own a home including people who were deadbeats and had no right to own a home. They were anti-regulation. Now we have spent nearly a Trillion Dollars, bailing out these institutions and in a twist on what Nixon said after the
seizure last night of AIG and Fannie Mae – we’re all communists now.”

The day before, Cramer said on CNBC’s “Street Signs” that a bailout was necessary. He warned the markets would have frozen and not opened if AIG (NYSE:
AIG) wasn’t bailed out. He proposed the “pass-the-hat” global bailout.

Later on “Morning Joe” September 17, CNBC “Squawk on the Street” co-host Mark Haines made a similar observation, declaring a state of socialism on Wall Street.

“Well, everyone’s in favor of a free market until it doesn’t work to their advantage,” Haines said. “And then, they’re in favor of socialism and that’s where we are right now – that’s where we are right now.”

Haines’ assessment was that the free market failed for AIG – noting how AIG’s potential collapse had frozen up the banking system.

“The free market was not working as far as AIG was concerned,” Haines added. “[B]ut something had to be done because there was – this was banks at one point yesterday had stopped lending to each other because they were so nervous about what was going on in the credit markets.”

The long-time CNBC anchor admitted the government intervention was ill-conceived on a philosophical level, but it was a necessity – even though it didn’t fix the situation.

“Nobody really likes this on a philosophical basis, but we live in a real world and we can’t, can’t dither with philosophy when such serious matters are at stake,” Haines added. “So – I’m of the opinion this doesn’t really fix anything – it’s just another Band-Aid.”

Cramer and Haines weren’t the first to link government bailouts to communism. In a
September 8 interview on CNBC Europe, Rogers Holdings CEO Jim Rogers said America is “more communist than China right now.”

Also Read: America Has Died - To Thunderous Applause

THE BOTTOM LINE: In the process of moving away from personal responsibility and capitalism toward the dependence of socialism, we see only the wonderful handouts that we get from the generous benevolent national government. What we don’t see is the resulting dependency that accompanies what we determine to be easy acquisitions.

While we enjoy the fruits of someone else’s labor, we lose the personal responsibility and the independence that once was at the foundation of the American philosophy. We give up our freedom, choice, independence, and liberty, and become dependant subjects of the elitists.

While the bailout of big business at this point may be the logical thing to do, to keep the economy from total collapse, one must however, wonder just how we arrived at this point in order to say… “See Capitalism doesn’t work.” If one were to be so foolish as to buy into this nonsense, then I would have to say… Yes Capitalism does not work when government tries to nationalize it.

A chicken in every pot and a home for every citizen… There is nothing in the bill of rights that says we have the right to eat chicken or own a home. But there is something in the American philosophy that says we have the equal right to pursue happiness. So if a chicken in your pot and a home to put it in, is what will make you happy then we, as free Americans have the right to pursue it.

What socialism dictates is that the government has the right to take a home from someone that has two homes and give it to someone that has none. As Marxism teaches, this is the redistribution of wealth, the philosophy of Barrack Hussein Obama I might add.

The pressure put on the lending industry by the socialist congress to bring about the so-called equality of social standards by attempting to get every family in America into their own home no matter what… is what caused the collapse of the financial system.

So you see, it wasn’t that Capitalism didn’t work, on the contrary, it was the social philosophy of an elitist congress that set up the dominos that were programmed for collapse.

The worst part of this calamity is that it just gives more fuel to the socialists. Now because the damage has been established, the only way out seems to be more government interference.

If one starts a fire, sometimes the only way to put it out; is to set another fire, but one must consider that it may just burn the whole forest down.

de Andréa

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