Tuesday, September 23, 2008

The Surrender of U.S. CounterterrorismIn

In the last article I told you that what was happening in Britain would soon happen here…Well guess what? It is…..,…

By de Andréa

Reminiscent of the last time I was at the Norfolk Naval Base was in 1961, I was a wounded G I pumped up on morphine in the Naval hospital there. After an 18 hour surgery I woke up to find myself in a hip to toe cast on my left leg. I remember later having wheel chair races up and down the halls near the orthopedic ward.

But that was then, and this is now:

I was informed earlier this week that the top brass at the Naval Base ordered to cancel Brigitte Gabriel’s scheduled appearance at the Norfolk Naval Base Navy Exchange in Norfolk, Virginia this Saturday, September 20th. While there are no specific details, it appears that the decision to cancel was made after pressure was exerted amidst concerns about offending Muslims, yes we certainly must be careful not to offend the enemy of the United States of America that has sworn to kill everyone of us.

The following article written by Jeffery Imm of the Anti-Jihad League of America discusses how the American counterterrorism community is increasingly surrendering in the war of cultural Jihad to the Islamic supremacists. In effect, we are following the same path Great Britain has trod over the past three decades, a path that led to last week’s stunning announcement that Great Britain has now officially adopted Sharia law and the Sharia courts. Britian may be lost to the Nation of Islam, but unless we, out of fear, continue to follow the Islamic deception of Europe down this path of certain destruction we can still defeat Islam’s agenda of American subjugation and turn this free Nation back onto the path of liberty.

Every time a decision in the U.S. is made that suppresses the critique of Islam out of fear of giving offense to Muslims, such as the decision to cancel Brigitte’s appearance at the Norfolk Naval Base, Islamic militants are enabled, empowered and emboldened. Moreover, our nation takes one more step down the failed path of internal destruction that Great Britain has already traveled.

At the end of the commentary below, we read:

“The silence of many of the 300 million American people has convinced a number of career counterterrorist analysts that you already have surrendered.”

“Prove them wrong.”

That is what we MUST DO. We must prove to career counterterrorist analysts, weak-kneed politicians, and radical Islamists, that we WILL RISE in defense of our security and our values. Read on to discover ways you can begin doing that today:

Jihad and the Growing Surrender of American Counterterrorism

Written by Jeffrey Imm
September 18, 2008
Anti-Jihad League of America


In the "stealth Jihad" war of ideas over the past year, one American institution after another has signaled its willingness to surrender to the advocates of
Islamic supremacism -- our homeland security, our military, and our law enforcement. Islamic supremacist groups have "guided" such American government organizations to create a "terror lexicon" that excludes "Jihad," to promote "progress" over "liberty," to blackball those who would confront the Muslim Brotherhood and Islamic supremacists, to "train" our law enforcement, and to openly promote engagement with Islamic supremacist organizations as part of counterterrorism tactics.

Six months ago, the growing surrender in the war of ideas by America's counterterrorism community was seen by the National Counterterrorism Center (NCTC) memorandum endorsing the DHS "terror lexicon" prohibiting the use of the terms such as "Jihad," "Islamist," "Mujahideen." This milestone was part of a trend that has been growing for nearly two years. Since the November 2006 mid-term elections resulting in a Democratic Congressional majority, a growing number in counterterrorist organizations have been moving towards promoting analysts that support negotiations, rather than confrontation, with Islamic supremacists. The belief among some is that, should the Democratic Party win the presidency, a new Democratic administration would seek such "engagement" policies. As the presidential campaign has heated up, this emphasis has accelerated in some counterterrorist organizations, which fear ending up on the outside looking in.

However, over the past seven years, a vacuum of strategic war planning on Islamic supremacism by the U.S. military, intelligence, and executive branch (seen in today's "war on extremism") has made America increasingly dependent on what little strategic thinking that has been available from the counterterrorism community. The growing surrender of counterterrorism groups to the policies of appeasement and "engagement," legitimizing Islamic supremacists. Increasingly, the numbers are shrinking in counterterrorism communities who seek confrontation against Jihadists and Islamic supremacists; some voices are being marginalized and silenced. This growing surrender will require average American citizens to increase their activism in demanding that their government representatives confront Jihad and Islamic supremacism.

Today, September 23 will mark yet another milestone in the growing surrender of America's counterterrorism organizations, as Capitol Hill will be used to promote the ideas of those who think America should "engage" with Islamic supremacist groups. Using Capitol Hill to Promote Appeasement of Jihad and Islamic Supremacism One day after the seventh anniversary of the 9/11 attacks, the Counterterrorism Blog announced a panel discussion to be held at 10 AM on September 23, 2008 at a U.S. Capitol building facility in Washington, D.C. (2255 Rayburn House Office Building).

This discussion will provide a platform for Peter Bergen and Paul Cruickshank to promote their
views that by engaging with Islamic supremacists and Jihadists, the West can dissuade them from pursuing Al-Qaeda-style terrorism.

This is where I must interject a bit of knowledge and wisdom. And that is, that Peter Bergen and Paul Cruickshank suffer from the same deception that has so enabled and promoted the deceptive indoctrination (not education) that so many like them have been exposed to. In part because they are taught from a western point of view that does not allow them to grasp the Muslim mind and spirit, in addition, they are taught only the political philosophy of Islamic theocracy, leaving the religious aspect of the Islamic theology out of the equation. ‘They cannot be separated’. This is truly basic Islamic doctrinal theology 101. Islam will not be “dissuaded” from their mission. Not ever. They have not in 1400 years changed their agenda one bit. This deceptive nonsense is at the very root of Islamic ideology and is what has contributed to the cause of the ‘Deception of the West’

Academics with PhD’s in Middle Eastern studies in universities all over America are enabling this dangerously deceptive, ignorant propaganda of Islamic feces, promoting it as primarily a peaceful harmless religion, that is mostly practiced by two billion warm fuzzy Muslim flower children, that loves everyone, with just a very few nonreligious radical extremists that are just a few Arabs with criminal minds. One can’t help wondering if these ‘Doctors of American Islamic Studies’ believe that somehow these few criminal Muslims survived the Crusades of 1199 AD, where up until that time, the Western Europeans were also deceived with the same lie of: Maybe if we are just nice to them they will assimilate and we can reform them, or “dissuade” them. Two hundred years later they didn’t do much negotiated “dissuading” but an awful lot of blood was shed in the attempt.

Every Muslim…I repeat, every Muslim, has the same agenda. The ones that appear to be moderate are just a different part of the ‘Mission of Islam’ which is the “Ummah” ‘The Supreme World Nation of Islam.’ Moreover, they will all eventually sell you a warm fuzzy flower to hold while they rub your back with one hand and slit your throat with the other. It is in the Quran, read it…

Jeffrey Imm’s article continues:

Peter Bergen is associated with the New America Foundation and Paul Cruickshank is a contributing expert for the Counterterrorism Blog; both are also research fellows with the New York University's Center on Law and Security.

The September 23 meeting entitled "The Jihadists' Revolt Against Al Qaeda" is being co-sponsored by the Counterterrorism Blog and by the New America Foundation (described by Washington Post writer David Ignatius in February as "a liberal think tank.") The meeting is to discuss Peter Bergen and Paul Cruickshank's New Republic (TNR) June 2008 article "The Unraveling," where they ostensibly argue that there is a "jihadist revolt against Bin Laden." This is the basis for their argument that engagement with Islamic supremacists and anti-Al-Qaeda Jihadists will make "America safer," and that in a war of ideas with Islamic supremacists, "it is their ideas, not the West's, that matter."

Per my July 16 response to their New Republic article, Bergen and Cruickshank use the example of Sayyid Imam Al Sharif's (aka "Dr. Fadl") rejection of Al-Qaeda as justification for such a policy. What they don't report is the rest of the story on Al-Sharif. In fact, Al-Sharif continues to support Jihad in Afghanistan and Iraq, where American soldiers are in harm's way, and Al-Sharif continues to support Jihad against Israel. Bergen and Cruickshank also don't report Al-Sharif's continued support for Islamic supremacism and the Taliban, where he states: "Jihad in Afghanistan will lead to the creation of an Islamic state with the triumph of the Taliban, God willing." Al-Sharif's support of Jihad is for the same Taliban that supported Bin Laden's 9/11 Jihad training camps, the same Taliban killing American soldiers today, and the same Taliban that seeks a global Islamic caliphate. Al-Sharif is the type of Jihadist that Bergen and Cruickshank think will make "America safer."

Such dangerously misleading information about the Jihad-supporting Al-Sharif has found its way into American government initiatives as well. On July 31, the Washington Times published an article (ironically titled "War of Ideas") where it interviewed James K. Glassman, the new undersecretary of state for public diplomacy. Mr. Glassman was proud of his efforts within the government to promote Jihad-supporting Al-Sharif as an example of programs to "push back against violent extremist ideology." In the July 2008 issue of the West Point Combating Terrorism Center Sentinel, counterterrorist Michael Jacobson also cited Al-Sharif to our fighting men and women as an individual who had written a book "rejecting al-Qa'ida's message and tactics." But while describing Al-Sharif's concerns about not wanting to harm "innocent people," Mr. Jacobson fails to mention in his West Point article that Al-Sharif calls for Jihad against our soldiers in Afghanistan and Iraq.

At the end of this article you will read:

“The silence of many of the 300 million American people has convinced a number of career counterterrorist analysts that you already have surrendered.

"Prove them wrong.”

Click here to continue reading this article.

That is what we MUST do. We must prove to career counterterrorist analysts, weak-kneed politicians, and radical Islamists, that we WILL rise in defense of our security and our values. Below are ways you can start doing that today:

What simple thing can you do -- to help those unsung heroes that are fighting right now for your survival and the survival of your country? It’s easy, see below…

Act for America
If you haven’t already done so, then do yourself and your family a favor; educate yourselves about Islam and the Constitution… The quickest, easiest, and least expensive way to get started doing this; is to buy two books from a lady who isn’t afraid of Islam or telling the truth about what is going on in America, and who has devoted her life to saving your lives and your freedom.

Brigitte Gabriel lost her childhood and nearly lost her life to first -- the cultural, and then the subsequent violent Jihad of Lebanon in the 1970’s. She writes her riveting story in a book called “Because They Hate” it’s about growing up from ages 10 to 17, with bullets and rockets flying over her head. She lived in a hole in the ground, in the middle of a war zone of violent Islamic terror for seven years. Even her warm fuzzy so-call moderate Muslim neighbors turned on her and her family because Brigitte and her parents was Christian Lebanese (Phoenicians) and this was, after all, the Islamic Jihad of Lebanon and they were the hated Kaffaar...

If you contribute nothing toward this war against Islamic Cultural Jihad going on right now, right here in America, then you had better prepare yourself for the violent, militant Jihad that follows. And if you don’t prepare yourself for a bloody war in the streets of your neighborhood, then you had better prepare yourself and your family for death…I don’t know how I can make it any clearer than that.

In her latest book “They Must Be Stopped” subtitled, Why We Must Defeat Radical Islam and How We Can Do It, you will have your eyes opened to the true agenda of all Muslims.

The following is an example of some of the chapter titles that will give you an idea of how dynamic and hard-hitting this book addresses the issues. "Purists Drink Their Islam Straight" "The Muslim Brotherhood Project for North America" "Reviving the Caliphate: One World Nation under Allah, Super-sizing the Muslim World" "The Subtle Islamization Agenda: Boiling the West Alive" "Madrassas in America and Abroad: Molding an Islamofascist Youth"

The same cultural Jihad that preceded the war or (violent Jihad) in the predominantly Christian Democratic Nation of Lebanon exists right now, right here; in America.
How do we stop it? You and your whole family can get started by joining with Brigitte and me, and join Act for America, click here to receive a free online subscription to her news letters, and then by reading her two books. Just click on the titles Because They Hate and They Must Be Stopped to order the books on line.

Once you have learned about the agenda of Islam unfolding right here in America in front of the blind eyes of our government and Homeland Security, as well as the Islamic indoctrination of our children in our public schools. Then you can intelligently contact your Federal, State, and local Representatives and tell them what you know. Trust me; you will know more than they do about the infiltration of cultural Jihad in America. Can’t happen here you say? Think again, it is already happening here and has already happened to America’s greatest Ally, Great Britain. The British people are already living under Sharia law. Parliamentary law is surreptitiously and incrementally disappearing and Great Britain has become The Great Islamic State of Britannia.

The alternative to this is, to continue in ignorance and enable Islam to surreptitiously and incrementally infiltrate our society just as they did in the more than a dozen other country’s in the world that are today existing under the bondage of Islamic terror and Sharia law.

Islam offers the Kaffaar three choices: One, covert to Islam, and two, to become a Slave of Islam, or three, you can choose a horrifying torturous death. I am offering you, (“the Kaffaar”) only one choice; the forth choice. And that is the choice to fight back…

I strongly suggest, for your sake and the sake of your children, that you click on the Forth Choice… Choose the fourth choice first…

Remember: These Colors Don’t Run…

de Andréa

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