Thursday, July 24, 2008

A letter from OPEC

An OPEC minister writes an open letter to American citizens

By de Andréa

The following is a bold open letter to the American people, written by an anonymous Minister of OPEC. It not only reveals the intention of OPEC, but the surreptitious hidden agenda of Islam as it relates to America and the free world.

Dear American Citizens,

”For over 1300 years we have been at war with the infidels of this world, and more than 200 years with you pigs in the U.S. especially since the embargo of the 1970's. You are so arrogant and ignorant that you haven't even recognized it. You have more missiles, bombs, and technology that we do; so we are fighting with the best weapon we have and extracting on a net basis more than 700 billion dollars a year out of your economy. We will destroy you! Death to freedom and the Kaffaar! Praise be to Allah!

I would like to thank you for not developing your 300 - 900 year supply of your own coal oil, oil fields, oil shale, and tar sands. We know if you did this, it would create energy independence, and millions of jobs for U.S. citizens, expand your engineering capabilities, and keep your wealth in the U.S. instead of sending it to us to finance our war against you pigs. And thanks for limiting your defense dept. purchases of oil sands from your neighbors to the north. We love it when you confuse your allies. Your oil will soon belong to us anyway, and then we will sell that to you as well. Because of the deception of Allah, may He soon rule the world; you Americans are just stupid deceived pigs. Allah, praise His name, makes it so easy for us.

'Thanks for letting us support your ignorant environmentalists with your petro-dollars to deceive you into over regulating every segment of your economy and thus delaying indefinitely, the development of your own oil fields and alternate fuel technologies and thus continue your dependence on Islam your greatest enemy. Praise be to Allah !.We are glad to see our lobbying efforts have been so effective. Corn based Ethanol. Praise be to Allah for this sham program! We will destroy you from the inside with the support of these types of policies. This is a gift from Allah, praise His name! We never would have thought of this one! This is better than when you pay your farmers NOT TO GROW FOOD. Have them use more energy to create less energy, and simultaneously drive food prices through the roof. Thank you U.S. Congress!!!! Allah’s Taqiyyah (the deception of Islam) is more powerful than your military and very far reaching.

And a very special thanks to your deceived citizens for letting us infiltrate your culture from elementary schools to the highest stations in your government. It makes Islamic Jihad much easier when you help.

And as to the captured document, the prize of the U.S. department of Justice, the document was the Brotherhood's 1991 long-term plan to subvert and collapse the United States and its political, economic, and other infrastructure, preparatory to achieving a forced Islamization of your country, and others, through a malign combination of immigration, intimidation, psychological warfare, and subterfuge. The Muslim Brotherhood proposed "settling" - colonizing - the U.S., infesting its infrastructure, and relying on societal openness, constitutional freedoms, and influence operations to proceed from there: "The process of settlement is a 'Civilization-Jihadist Process',"

You are still too ignorant blind and deceived to understand that our work in America is a kind of grand Jihad in eliminating and destroying the Western civilization from within and sabotaging its miserable house by our hands and the hands of the believers so that it is eliminated, and Allah’s religion, Praise His name, is made victorious over all other religions."

Islamists are to be "infiltrating the adversaries and their fellow travelers and establishing a strong security apparatus" to support the underground movement, now, and the resulting theocratic Islamic state, later. "[We] are infiltrating the police forces, the armies, the different political parties, the newspapers, the Islamic groups, the petroleum companies ... private security companies, sensitive civil institutions, etc."

Despite this condemning evidence of our plan to overthrow the U.S. government and replacing your filthy constitution with Sharia, the perfect law of Allah, may He be praised above all others, your corrupt and Islamic infiltrated justice system failed to find the Muslim Brotherhood of Islam guilty of anything. This again shows how inept and ineffectual your system has become because of the power of Allah; praise His name, and the successful infiltration by Islam of every aspect of your government and culture.

'And finally, we appreciate you letting us fleece you without end. You will be glad to know we have been accumulating shares in your banks, real estate, and publicly held companies. We also finance a good portion of your debt and now manipulate your markets, currency, and economies to our benefit. Praise be to Muhammad our prophet and Allah the God of this earth! And thank you America for doing Allah’s will in supporting Islam in Allah’s quest to subjugate this Earth. Soon all the Earth will be at peace under Sharia Law, The perfect law of Allah.

By now you should be learning to accept your dependence on the Nation of Islam as you have been indoctrinated through our use of your ignorant media, so that the complete subjugation of your country will be forthcoming as we are doing so successfully in the Western culture of Europe and the most resent takeover of the Phoenician nation of Lebanon. Praise be to Allah!

Thanks again so much for your cooperation,

Your willing benefactor, the Ministry of OPEC…

THE BOTTOM LINE: This of course is fictitiously written in the theme of Orson Wells “The War Of The Worlds” with one important difference, the content is true, documented, and factual. If any Minister of OPEC were to be totally honest as to their intention and agenda, he would write a letter just like this.

I hope this has been both entertaining and frightening. It should scare you right out of your Muslim gas tank, because as I said, the content is true.

Please think very carefully about the future of your freedom and the freedom of your children as you cast your vote for American leadership this November…
Just a side note:
A lot of folks can't understand how we came to have an oil shortage here in our country in the first place. Well, there's a very simple answer, nobody bothered to check the oil.
We just didn't know we were getting low. The reason for that is purely geographical. Our OIL is located in Alaska, California, Coastal Florida, Coastal Louisiana, Wyoming, Colorado, Kansas, Oklahoma, Pennsylvania and Texas.
Our dipsticks are located in Washington, DC Any Questions? NO? Didn’t think so.

Thanks to one of my faithful readers named Ron for the original article.

de Andréa

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