Tuesday, May 06, 2008

A letter from Brigitte

I don’t usually republish articles by someone else in their entirety but this is an exception. In light of what I have been writing about lately, this is what it really comes down to, the fourth option—to fight…

Once one has all the weapons, and one is faced with the enemy, one must inevitably make the decision to give it up or to fight. And we will all eventually fight for our lives or lose them, the question is do you want to fight cultural Jihad now or wait until it is a desperate situation and fight against violent militant Jihad?

We, as well as the people of Europe, are now faced with an enemy that although similar to the enemy we faced as the Nazis of WWII, is truly like none other that we have ever encountered in modern history or hopefully, will never again have to face.

No matter how much I try, I cannot fight this enemy alone. I don’t believe anyone can, so I am encouraging each one of you to contact me, to let me know if you would be interested in being involved in, or starting a chapter of ACT for America in your area.

In case security is a concern to you as it is for me, the security is about as good as it gets. This process is safe and secure. As someone whose life depends on security and confidentiality, Brigitte has made sure that the member information is handled by one of the most secure companies in America and is not shared. Their security measures are top-notch. Use only a pseudonym or first names in correspondence with other members, your e-mail address should not contain your last name etc. With me personally even your last name is secure I share it with no one, and as you know I send all multiple e-mails as BCC’s so no one else sees your Information.

The following is a letter from Brigitte which also includes a letter from Christine, an explosive Chapter leader in southern Ca USA.

de Andréa

“Militant Islam’s Threat to America”
By Brigitte Gabriel

Dear de,
Two days ago our Executive Director, Guy Rodgers, emailed you to tell you about the ACT! for America DVD offer of my message, “Militant Islam’s Threat to America.” If you missed that email and would like to read it, please click on this link to our email archive page: http://www.actforamerica.org/email-archive/2008/04/brigitte-gabriel-dvd-now-avail.html.

I gave this message to three thousand people in a large church in Southern California, months before ACT For America was founded and our first chapter started.

The message I gave that night led to the most active, organized ACT! for America chapter in the country, led by an incredible woman who saw me give that message.
Christine, the woman who leads this chapter, is so on fire, so committed, and such an organized leader, that our National Field Director Kelly Cook is directing other new chapter leaders to her for assistance in getting their chapters started.Under her leadership, this chapter is helping organize other chapters in Southern California. Chapter members are gathering public school textbooks to analyze them for pro-Islamist, anti-American, anti-Israeli bias. The chapter is planning a demonstration at an upcoming Sharia-compliant financing conference. This is just a few examples of what this chapter is doing.

As great as the impact has been from my book Because They Hate, the power of video, sound and sight is greater. Moving pictures touch the heart and move the soul. When you are on fire for what you believe people catch that fire, ignited by your passion.

I’m asking you to help me awaken patriotic Americans throughout our nation and ignite a passion in them to join us in defending America.I’d like to close this message to you with a testimonial from Christine — this dynamic, on-fire chapter leader I described above. I greatly appreciate her kind words, but I’m even more gratified that the message I delivered can have the kind of positive impact she describes:

Dear reader,

Brigitte's message of what Islamic terrorists did to Lebanon, her country of birth, and the striking parallels to what is now happening in our country, was startling, at times chilling, and yet inspiring. With roughly 3000 in attendance that night, she brought down the house and inspired us to read her book and learn more about the genuine threat we face if we don't wake up and throw off the shackles of "political correctness."

I heard for the first time that a citizen like me can take practical steps to push back against the rising tide of Islamofascism in America. I heard a message that not only sounded the alarm, but also called us to action to protect the security, liberties and the America we all cherish. In a world of political correctness and appeasement, Brigitte's voice rang out loud and clear that we must stand up for America as we know her or we will lose her as she lost the life she knew in Lebanon.

It took a petite, immigrant woman who sought refuge in the U.S. to stand up and give us a voice, give us a hope, strip us of our excuses, and turn our hearts toward the opportunity and the duty we each have to protect this gift called the United States of America.

Brigitte has dedicated herself fully to the work of calling a Nation to arise. Now it is up to each of us to do our part. We must remember that our enemy works tirelessly, strategically, and with nearly limitless financial resources, and we must be willing to rise up together to meet this challenge head on. Brigitte Gabriel has launched a campaign for the survival of our Nation and we, together, will win this battle for the soul, identity and heritage of our country paid for by the blood of many Patriots that have gone before us.

I am inspired and emboldened to go to battle in behalf of my city, county, state, and nation, and I have a vision of how to get there – which all began that night with Brigitte’s message about the threat of militant Islam to America.


If you’ve ever wondered what you could do to help others see and understand what you see and understand, this DVD is your answer! Please don’t set this email aside without acting! click here to become a monthly supporter of $20 or more, or to make a one-time contribution of $35 or more and you will receive the DVD. If you prefer to mail a check rather than make a contribution online, please click here to print out a reply form to send in with your check.

Once you have this DVD click here I hope you’ll hold a meeting in your home and show it to your friends. I also hope you’ll come back and order more copies to give to your family, friends, and colleagues who need to be informed and awakened because they just don’t “get it” yet.
Who knows – you may show the DVD to someone who starts a chapter and ends up organizing an entire state!

I can’t begin to tell you how much I value your support and commitment to standing with me and supporting our efforts in protecting America. We are so privileged to be able to serve our country from the comfort of our homes.

Together we serve with honor, strength and passion to secure what our Founding Fathers created for us. May we set an example for our children and grandchildren and protect the America that our founding fathers prepared for us.

Yours in defense of America, Brigitte

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