Friday, March 21, 2008

The Forbidden Picture

Boy punished for T-shirt with gun image, reads the headlines of a Lancaster Pa newspaper

By de Andréa

Not only do the America haters want to prohibit guns in America they want to outlaw pictures of them as well. Or is it the T-shirts they want to outlaw? I’m not sure.

The family of a middle school student who was given detention for wearing a T-shirt bearing the image of a gun has filed a federal freedom of speech lawsuit against the school district.

Doesn’t the department of education know that we have a constitutional right to keep and bear T-shirts…I mean arms, even pictures of them???

So, when the Second Amendment is violated the First Amendment is violated as well. The truth be known, if the Second Amendment is violated, all of ones rights are violated. This, because all of our rights depend on the Second Amendment. Remember it is …”necessary to the security of a free State” (Emphasis mine)

It seems that 14 year old desperado Donald Miller III went to Penn Manor High School in December of 2007 wearing a T-shirt he said was intended to honor his uncle, a U.S. Army soldier fighting in Iraq. Well of course for the America haters, honoring a U.S. Army soldier alone should be at least cause for, immediate dismissal.

The shirt bears the image of a military sidearm and on the front pocket it says "Volunteer Homeland Security.” On the back, over another image of the weapon, are the words "Special issue Resident Lifetime License - United States Terrorist Hunting Permit - Permit No. 91101 - Gun Owner - No Bag Limit.” Don’t you just love it???

Dis’[ing] a terrorist or blaming the 9/11 attack on Islam is of course politically incorrect. I mean it is not part of the doctrine of Tolerance and Multiculturalism. It is just not proper cricket, as our little British friends say across the pond.

Officials at the Millersville School told the boy to turn his shirt inside out. When Miller refused, he got two days of detention. Wow, I wonder what they would have done to the poor boy if he had worn a T=shirt with an American flag on it. It probably would have been bonfire time. No, I mean for the boy! Don’t they burn you at the stake for that now? They do in Berkley.

His parents, Donald and Tina Miller of Holtwood, have accused, in a lawsuit, the Penn Manor School in Millersville District, of violating their son's First Amendment rights with a "vague Orwellian policy" that stifles both patriotism and free speech. I think that might be the whole idea of enforcing that Orwellian policy, don’t you? Aren’t free speech, guns, flags, and patriotism just part of the outdated past?

The attorney for the school district said,”the school must create a safe environment for students in the post-Columbine era, and bringing even the image of a gun to school violates the district's policy of a safe gun free environment”. I can’t help wondering though, how safe is a gun free environment? Aren’t gun free environments where all the school children are killed?
Moreover, I wonder if the attorney and or the officials at the school district recognize that it wasn’t a picture or even a gun that killed and injured all those kids at Columbine, as I remember it, it was two of their classmates that committed all of those murders. But then what do I know, I flunked brainwash already in the first grade.

"There's a much higher level of sensitivity these days," Penn Manor attorney Kevin French said. "But it's based on reality."

Man! I wonder just whose reality is he talking about… Mmmm…

THE BOTTOM LINE: One would have thought that with all the programming and brain washing with the new hate America indoctrination that is going on in our Public Schools these days; that the thought of doing such a terrible distasteful and dangerous act as displaying a picture of a gun and especially the patriotic gesture of honoring ones uncle fighting for our enemy in Iraq would have never crossed the mind of young Donald Miller. Daaa, the teach…must not have learned him too good…

I guess I have made enough of an ********out of these jerks, don’t you???.
I shouldn’t really do this, it is too easy.

But I love it so…

de Andréa

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