Wednesday, March 26, 2008

The Defeat of Fools

Islamic terrorist forces in the Middle East have officially rewritten their international rulebook in a way designed so "they can't lose."

By de Andréa

What's even more worrisome is the widespread failure in the West even to realize this is happening. Hamas and Hezbollah fire from among civilians and use civilian homes for military purposes; Syria or Iran deploy disinformation, terrorist regimes pretend moderation, and there are plenty of suckers in the U.S. to take the bait.

Many believe that kind words and concessions can transform them; intransigence produces a response that if they won't give up, we must do so. Read the response from the Arch Bishop of Canterbury in the U.K. who has totally been absorbed by the cultural Jihad of Islam on February 11, 2008 The Archbishop said that “the adoption of Islamic Sharia law in the UK is unavoidable and that it would help introduce social cohesion” The sad truth about that statement is that he may be absolutely correct. Once a critical mile stone has been reached in the saturation and infiltration of Islam into the host culture, there will be no social cohesiveness whatsoever unless Sharia law and the theocracy of Islam is completely adopted.

Here is the Fatwa, eleven rules from the forces of Hamas, Hezbollah, Iran, Iraqi insurgents, al-Qaida, Syria, the Taliban, and others including terrorist Arab nationalists for Islamic Jihad in the remainder of the world. This is really revealing as to how much our enemy understands and can surreptitiously manipulate us. These forces are not all exactly alike or allied but do follow a parallel set of rules quite different, to say the least, from how international affairs have been conducted in the past. After sorting out all the deception as to how Islam presidents it ‘self to the West, this is the underlying truth of some of the details of how Islam will defeat the “Western Fools”.

1. We'll never give up. No matter what you do, we will continue fighting. No matter what you offer we will keep attacking you. Since you can't win you should give up.

2. We're indifferent to pressure you put on us. We will turn this pressure against you. Against us, deterrence does not exist; diplomacy does not convince. Neither does the carrot buy us off, nor does the stick make us yield. There are no solutions that can end the conflict. You cannot win militarily nor make peace through diplomacy.

3. If you set economic sanctions we'll say you are starving our people in an act of "collective punishment.” Moreover, sanctions will cost you money and generate opposition among those who lose profits.

4. In response to military operations we'll attack your civilians. Casualties will undermine your internal support. We will try to force you to kill civilians accidentally. We won't care but will use this to persuade many that you are evil. Thus, we will simultaneously murder your civilians and get you condemned as human rights' violators.

5. If you try to isolate us we will use your own media and intellectuals against you. At times, we'll hint at moderation and make promises of change. We won't do so enough to alienate our own followers but enough to subvert yours. They will demand that you engage us, which means you making concessions for nothing real in exchange.

6. Talking to our own people, we foment hatred and demonize you. Speaking to the West, we will accuse you of fomenting hatred. We will hypocritically turn against you all the concepts you developed: racism, imperialism, failure to understand the "other," and so on. These, of course, are our ideas but your feelings of guilt, ignorance about us, and indifference to ideology will make you not notice that fact.

7. We will claim to be victims and "underdogs.” Because you are the stronger and more "advanced" that means you are the villains. We're not held responsible for our deeds or expected to live up to the same standards. There is no shortage of, to quote Lenin, "useful idiots" who will echo our propaganda.

8. Since our societies are weak, undemocratic, and have few real moderates, you will have to make deals with phony moderates and dictatorial regimes weakened by corruption and incompetence.

9. Even the less radical regimes, often our immediate adversaries, partly play into our hands. Due to popular pressure–plus their desire to mobilize support and distract attention from their own shortcomings–they trumpet Arab and Islamic solidarity. They denounce the West, blame all problems on Israel, and revile America, even as they accept your aid. They glorify interpretations of Islam not too far from ours. They cheer Iraqi insurgents, Hezbollah, and Hamas. They don't struggle against Iran getting nuclear weapons. They lay the basis for our mass support and recruits, as Lenin said selling us the rope to hang them as well as you.

10. There's no diplomatic solution for you, though you yearn to find one. There's no military solution for you, whether you try that or not. You love life, we love death; you are divided, we are united; you want to get back to material satisfaction, we are dedicated revolutionaries. We will outlast you.

11. Finally, our greatest weapon is that you truly don't understand all the points made above. You are taught, informed, and often led by people who simply don't comprehend what an alternative, highly ideological, revolutionary worldview means. In effect, we will try, and often succeed, to turn your "best and brightest" into the worst and dimmest who think you can persuade us, blame you for the conflicts, or expect that we will alter our course, and we will use those mistakes against you.

Listen to them, they are telling us how blind and deceived we are, we haven’t got a clue what Islam is, we are deceived fools, and if we continue in our deception of cultural tolerance and political correctness we will be defeated fools. This deceptive infiltration into the culture of the West is made possible because of a very powerful and totally underestimated Islamic doctrine found in the Quran. This is the doctrine of Taqiyyah, the Islamic deception (true lies) which Muslims are taught from childhood, and is at the very foundation of cultural Jihad (the surreptitious incremental takeover of a foreign culture)

To show how successful this deceptive Islamic ideological agenda is, and how it is taking over the future of America, The following seven statements were made by a typical brainwashed fool of a student at Georgia State Technical University in response to a resent speech by John Lewis . This pathetically deceived and indoctrinated student stood up and loudly and boldly proclaimed as if playing back a recording that was programmed into his brain…

(1) there is a long history of separation of church and state in Islam; (2) Islamic law is good; (3) whenever imposed, Islamic law has brought peace; (4) jihad is a “wonderful idea” and does not mean war; (5) Islamic Totalitarianism poses no threat, since 500 million Muslims reject terrorism; (6) the tax leveled against subjugated peoples is just, because they are protected by Muslims in return; (7) I am “ignorant of history” if I do not acknowledge the “truth” of these claims.

The success of Islam’s deception relies on the psychological, spiritual, and mental weaknesses of fools like this student, which are the future of America. One would hope that there were no more students like this in our collages, but unfortunately that would be deceptively naive. From K through 12 in our public schools all around America the tolerance of Islam and Sharia law is being incrementally introduced. Moreover by the time our students reach the collages and universities the cultural foundation of Islam will have already been laid.

THE BOTTOM LINE: Sharia law and the fundamental ideology of Islam is incompatible with any culture in the rest of the world. This is why one incremental inch given to the tolerance of Islam is a death sentence to ones own culture, because it is all downhill from there. There will not be peace until Islam and Sharia law is in control and we are all subjected to Allah their satanic god.

de Andréa

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