Wednesday, December 19, 2007

Empty Holsters

College students across the country have been strapping on empty holsters to protest laws that prohibit concealed weapons on many campuses, citing their right of self-defense in light of recent campus and church murders.

Fifth in a series
By de Andréa

The problem with a“Gun Free Zone" is, they are not a “Death Free Zone.” Gun free zones provide a safe place, not for our children, but for the murdering maniacs in our society…

Hey! If the Brady Bunch can say, “Guns kill people”, then I can say that “GUN FREE ZONES’ kill people.

"People who could otherwise defend themselves against the crazy’s are left defenseless when on campus," said Ethan Bratt, a graduate student wearing an empty holster on the campus of Seattle Pacific University.

Apparently, ones right to live free and pursue happiness, ends at the boundary of most of our school campuses, or maybe as Senator John Edwards, (watch video) you believe it to be a privilege, rather than a right as the Constitution documents.

Students for Concealed Carry on Campus, a national group of college students, parents and citizens who organized after the deadly shootings at Virginia Tech University in April, launched the protest. A national debate over gun laws on campus began in the wake of those shootings, in which a mentally deranged student killed 32 people in a classroom building before committing suicide. Not only was it the deadliest mass shooting in U.S. history, but it happened in a “Gun Free Zone”. Campuses are prime targets for people with guns intent on killing others, because schools are ‘Gun Free Zones, Bratt said. Isn’t it ironic that the best place for a deranged person with a gun to shoot fish in a barrel, is a place where there are no guns allowed.

Others believe college is no place for firearms.
"If you don't like the fact that you can't have a gun on your college campus then drop out of school," said Peter Hamm, a spokesman for the anti-American elite group who call themselves the Brady Center to Prevent Gun Violence.

When someone pulls out a gun and starts firing in a crowded environment, it is more likely that additional victims will be harmed. Let's be grateful that those holsters are empty,” said Hamm.

In other words, if you don’t want to risk your life to get an education then forget about college…

One cannot help but wonder what the Brady Bunch has done to prevent gun violence, what ever it is, I don’t think it’s working

Click here to visit the Students for Concealed Carry on Campus Web site.

Click here to visit the Brady Center's Web site.

A group of 12 students chose to wear empty holsters to class this week at the University of Idaho as part of the nationwide protest. Aled Baker, a junior, said he loses his constitutional right to protect himself and others when he goes to school to learn about the constitutional right to keep and bear arms. "It's null and void when you go on campus," the mechanical engineering student said. Baker, a sportsman and hunter, has a license to carry a concealed handgun and hopes the protest will get people talking about the issue.

I should explain the cartoon for the sake of the liberal left crazy’s like the college academics and Dianne Feinstein, but I won’t.

Many universities, like George Washington University, prohibit carrying concealed handguns on campuses. "We do not allow weapons on campus for the safety and security of our student body and faculty," said Tracy Schario, spokeswoman for G W U in Washington, D.C. The truth is that one cannot even legally possess an assembled firearm in the District of Columbia, and as a result, D.C. has among the highest rates of gun violence in the country.

Justin Turner, a senior in criminology and history at Florida State University also wants the ability to carry a concealed handgun on campus. I'm hoping that people actually realize that this is something that college students are serious about moving forward and realize that it's not about taking the law into our own hands; it's about taking personal responsibility for oneself because no one else will," said Turner, chairman of the Florida State chapter of Students for the Second Amendment.

More on the anti-carry revolt

THE BOTTOM LINE: Did anyone recognize the logic and reason or rather the lack thereof by the spoooksman, I am sorry, spokesman Pete Hamm or ham for the anti-American and freedom hating Brady Bunch as well as the spokeswoman for George Washington University. Hamm says, students should drop out of school, because if one shoots a gun in a crowded environment someone might get hurt, daaa, isn’t that the Idea, to stop the shooter??? Moreover, Tracy Schario of G W U says they don’t allow guns on campus for the safety of the students and faculty. Isn’t that the same failed policy that Virginia Tech had??? And, guess what---the shooter just kept right on shooting. Their were 32 students and faculty and that no matter how safe they felt in a “GUN FREE ZONE” they all are still nevertheless--- dead…

If the philosophy of “Gun Free Zones” works so well, why then, don’t we just make Iraq a “GUN and a BOMB FREE ZONE”??? Then according to the philosophy of the death worshipping Brady Bunk, again, I am so sorry, I mean Bunch; the war would be over.

Isn’t it about time we turn back to our roots of personal responsibility, instead of continuing to be dependant on someone or something like these failed rules of engagement, which cannot or will not defend the lives of our kids???

If for some unknown reason one is incapable of understanding reason or logic in this issue, (maybe the Brady Bunch Followers have been smoking too many funny cigarettes. I don’t know) but maybe a true-life example will work. Now listen closely, I will write this, ever so slowly, because I know that some of you may coming down off of something and may not be able to read fast. There are very few “GUN FREE ZONES” in Utah. Moreover, in all of recorded history to date; there has been one violent gun incident in a Utah school, and that my death worshipping friends was in 1872 and the only one killed was the perpetrator. Moreover, if that is not enough… since the rule of gun free zones was enacted in schools across the country, where there has never been a shooting before, there have been hundreds of violent gun incidents, as well as death and serious injury.

Let these people fill their holsters with the same weapon that has and will be used against them. The only purpose of denying people the ability to defend themselves against certain death is if one wants them dead.

Just in case one is curious, legally, to carry a gun one must get a state permit, called a CCW, one must jump though a plethora of legal hoops. One must first be investigated by local law enforcement, State police, the FBI, CIA, Interpol, MI5, Mickey Mouse…well you get the idea. Moreover, if one has ever so much as looked mean at someone or committed any crime beyond a traffic ticket; your permit may be denied. In addition, if that is not enough, one must take a gun safety class, a self-defence class, and after all that, a gun proficiency test, and learn all the laws and rules both State and Federal regarding the legal use of guns much as the police do. So it is not just a matter of anyone strapping on a gun and becoming a wild west vigilante as the Brady Bunch will lead you to believe. Besides, it is your right, listen to a presidential candidate tell you it is a privilege, not a right.

Anyplace where there is a guarantee that no one is armed is a powerful magnet for the crazy’s driven by voices in their heads or from sniffing too much funny stuff, to commit mass murder using our children as objects of their angry hallucinations. “Gun Free Schools” my friend, are just one of those powerful magnets…

de Andréa

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