Sunday, July 15, 2007

The Solution

One might want to just roll the dice to find the solution to winning the war but there is only one way to win the wars in the Middle East.

By de Andréa

Pulling our troops out of Iraq/Afghanistan would be a bigger mistake than the attempt to democratize Islam though it is a commendable effort. As I wrote in the last article titled, WHICH TERRORIST ORGANIZATION WOULD YOU LIKE, I said that we cannot create a democracy in an Islamic state because it is a contradiction in terms. Islam is not just a religion as we have come to understand what a religion is. The dictionary definition is an organized system of faith and worship of a god. This pretty well describes all known religions. Islam on the other hand is first of all a Nation of like minded people. It is a system of theocratic government, a culture, a society, a system of laws. Moreover it is a people with one central idea in common, and that my friend. is the ultimate Islamic agenda- to hold the world in oppression and servitude under the power and control of Islam and Allah their god

So is there a solution to stopping once and for all, this agenda of Islam to conquer the world? Answer; no! Nothing short of total annihilation that is. This has been the agenda since Muhammad wrote the Quran beginning in AD 610 and Islam has not been derailed from that goal for nearly 1400 years. I believe it is pretty safe to say that nothing will deter Islam from seeking Allah’s will.

This is what took the Christians Crusaders 300 years to come to terms with. This is why the Crusades were so aggressive and bloody, they were attempting genocide, or as close to it as they could get. They fought the Crusades not for 5 years but for nearly 200 years from AD 1095 to 1291. Although not totally successful it was enough to render Islam helpless for about 600 years until then President Thomas Jefferson launched an attack on the Muslims at Tripoli Libya because as pirates, they were attacking all of our trading ships. (indecently they stopped attacking our ships) Moreover, General Perishing had a similar experience in the Philippines with Muslims; he shot all but one, who watched the Americans pour pig fat over his fellow terrorists dead bodies, it was a long, long time before there was any trouble again.

So again I say, short of annihilation, there is no stopping this Islamic agenda. And that is for the most part out of the realm of consideration. However something short of this may have to be part of the solution. One thing is for sure, the Muslims respect the display and unleashing of raw power and strength.

Conversely showing benevolence or charity is a sign of weakness. For example by using the tactic of urban warfare (house to house searches) in Fallujah for the purpose of protecting innocents or reducing collateral damage was seen as benevolent and week by the so-called insurgents. Fallujah should have been carpet bombed and leveled; in the long run this would have saved more lives because it would have not only devastated the al Qaida militarily, but also sociologically. They would have respected our military, now they see us as weak “girlymen”.

Giving up on this war is not an option, period. Our ignorant representatives in Congress that say that Iraq did not attack us on 911 or any of the previous 8 to 12 times are correct, Islam did. This is part of Islams deception, and also a very good military tactic, to get us arguing about just who attack us and who our enemy is. They know that we don’t understand who Islam is. The important fact is that we don’t know, that we don’t understand who Islam is.

The truth about this war is, that we are not at war with Iraq, or Afghanistan, or Iran or, or, or. We my friend, are at war with the NATION of ISLAM. This is the problem; we continue to look as this enemy through Western eyes, thinking that we must be at war with a country with borders and a conventional central government etc. Actually we are at war with a borderless Nation that doesn’t need borders because it is in the process of infiltrating the entire world. This is the agenda of Islam, to conquer the world and install the last Caliphate, (the successor to Muhammad) to rule this planet. Think about it this way, can a cancer be contained to just one part of the body? No, it will eventually metastasize and take over the entire body. Islam is not unlike a cancer; moreover, it is metastasizing, which makes Islam the enemy of the world.

The other part of the deception is the so-called moderate, middle of the road, peaceful, non-extremist Muslims, (a cancer disguised as a benign tumor) or whatever one prefers to call them. I am sure that there are some people as in any religion who call themselves Muslims that are Muslims in name only. They do not practice Islam and Sharia law; some are Muslims out of fear of death to themselves and or their families. The truth is, as in any other religion if one is a Muslim one will follow the teachings of their faith and their god and in the case of Islam this means that eventually everyone on this earth must be Muslim, or be slaves to it, or be KILLED, there is no other option. A true Muslim is a Wahhabist and is spiritually driven by this very powerful entity they call god “Allah” to carry out this agenda. So the nice peaceful Muslim families living next door are not really Muslims, or, if on the other hand they truly are, they will eventually attempt to convert you, or they will kill you.

As I mentioned before the only way (like a cancer) is to eliminate it by total destruction and like cancer if there are any cells left hiding, it will start all over again. This is exactly what happened after the Crusades, Islam was so badly defeated it took approximately a thousand years for it to fully recover and now it is back again with a vengeance.

So again what is the solution??? Again, short of total annihilation, all we can hope to do is to devastate Islam so fiercely, so as to put them back into remission. This will give the world a period of relief from the symptoms of this evil cancer called the Nation of Islam. We are not however going to do this by going house to house, knocking on their door, and asking them to please stop all this bloody bombing a shooting.

We started this war with what the President referred to as SHOCK and AWE. But then as we rolled into Baghdad we ignorantly made our first mistake, we thought the war was over and proceeded to make our second mistake which was to set up a government. Now, setting up a government in and of itself is not necessarily a mistake, but one must first win the war. (I refer to the history of all wars) However to set up a democracy in an Islamic State, our third mistake, is ignorant and naïve. As I mentioned before, Islam is a theocracy. A democracy in Islam is an Oxymoron. The Muslims would have to give up Islam, while this would be the most ideal process for Islam to undertake for the sake of the rest of the world, it is just that, an idealistic endeavor, it is just not realistic.

We must return to SHOCK and AWE, and like with a cancer, nuclear therapy if necessary. We have the capability of limited nuclear warfare. Israel may be forced to nuke Iran’s nuclear facilities anyway, because if Ahmadinejad gets a nuclear bomb, he for sure, will use it on Israel. This of course in the eyes of the liberal politically correct tolerant anti-war/anti-American folks including most of Europe, would be seen as an escalation of the war. (Be advised that most of Europe is already part of Islam.) Of course it will be an escalation of the war, but only on our part. The Christian Bible says stand up to Satan and he will flee from you… One should remember Col. M al-Gaddafi in Libya, not too long after all the “shock and awe” at the beginning of the War in Iraq. Gaddafi just gave up his WMD. These people respect power and the spine to use it, and conversely they disrespect those that show weakness as we are now doing.

The other problem that needs to be solved is the denominations of Islam in Iraq. Like in any religion there are fine point differences, a distinction in interpretation of documents and doctrine. In Iraq there are three main dividing differences, Sunni’s, Shiites, and Kurds, they always have had a problem getting along with each other. Moreover, like any other belief system they are not going to get along any better just because we have installed a democratic government and told them they have to. The only way to deal with this separation in philosophy is to keep them equally separated. The Kurds have already led the way with this plan by staying in the north and forming an area called Kurdistan. We would be remiss if we disregarded this obvious solution of creating three States with individual governments and a central Iraqi government guaranteeing the equal sharing of all the resources of the country of Iraq. .

An acquaintance of mine once had a very small dog that would chase anything that ran, as well as aggressively attacking ones pant leg or ankle. But if one would just stand ones ground and showed no fear, the little guy would just stand there and bark. Moreover if one would show aggression and stamp ones feet the little monster would run. This is exactly the solution to winning this war, at least for a period of time, that is until Islam can intimidate someone into running again. One must understand this is exactly why Islam became embolden in the first place it is because we did nothing about all the previous attacks on America, we just ran. And like my friends little dog they finely attacked us where it really hurt, right on the ankle on 911, and they drew lots of blood.

Now, that all the demons have escaped from Pandora’s box disguised as butterflies, we must get them all back into the box again, and this my friend may be more than the tolerant politically correct folks have a stomach for.

In addition, now that the little dog has Congress on the run he will chase until he catches them and if we run all the way home he will chase us all the way home as well. Then we would have an aggressive dog after us as well as the cancer cells that have been surreptitiously allowed to germinate right here in our own neighborhoods. Cutting and running would be our forth mistake. Since this is what led to the cause of 911 and the subsequent war on terror in the first place, running would just encourage more of the same.

THE BOTTOM LINE: We absolutely need leadership with the grit to win this war, what ever it takes. We must get back to “shock and awe” until this world wide enemy the Nation of Islam is brought to its knees and every Muslim country is shaking in their robes and is performing Salah (prayer to Allah) asking Allah to please spare them from the hand of the “great Satan” (America) and “the people of the book”. (Jews and Christians)

It is said, that if a Muslim is killed while massacring infidels (non Muslims) then he and his family’s sins are forgiven and they are guaranteed to go to heaven. (Hence suicide bombings.) But if one is just killed by massacre or dies of natural causes or is killed trying to defend himself then they had better already have paid up their sins by anyone of many other means, or they will go to hell.

NOTE, from wikipedia: The earliest surviving written criticisms of Islam are found in the writings of Christians like John of Damascus (born c. 676). In the medieval period, a few Arab philosophers like the poet Al-Ma'arri adopted a critical approach to Islam, and the Jewish philosopher Maimonides contrasted Islamic views of morality to Jewish views that he himself elaborated. Medieval Christian ecclesiastical writers emphatically denied the validity of Islamic beliefs and portrayed Muhammad as possessed by Satan. More recently, in the 19th century, the Orientalist scholar William Muir wrote harshly about the Qur'an.

If we fail to defeat Islam now, then we will have failed to preserve freedom for the rest of time. Islam cannot be allowed to win in Iraq or anywhere else or we will be running for our lives for the rest of our lives…

de Andréa

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