Saturday, March 24, 2007

New Orleans New Murder Capital of the World

Vivian Westerman holds her .38 S&W revolver in her New Orleans, home

By de Andréa

Sixty-four-year-old Vivian Westerman rode out Hurricane Katrina in her 19th-century home. So terrible was the experience she said, that she wanted two things before the 2006 season arrived; a generator and a gun.

In the aftermath of the Katrina storm Mayor Ray Nagin illegally ordered all the firearms in New Orleans confiscated. This action, almost immediately led to a blood bath of murder and mayhem of innocent helplessly unarmed citizens, because they took away the tools of self-defense from the law abiding and left the tools of crime in the hands of the criminals.

Even after law suites were filed and Judges ruled against the unconstitutional confiscation of guns from law abiding citizens, Mayor Ray Nagin and Police Superintendent Warreb Riley ignored the court order to return the illegally confiscated guns and as a result are in contempt of court. In the meantime the violent crime rate has soared to statistics exceeding that of Washington DC; making New Orleans the new Murder Capital of the World, passing up murders per capita by firearms even in the war zone of Baghdad.

This sudden jump in violent crime in New Orleans can be directly attributed to two incompetent mistakes. One is the illegal confiscation of private fire arms, leaving innocent people helpless, and the other is the lack of proper police work in the making of cases in real crimes. The prosecuting attorneys and the courts are also to blame for either light or no sentences at all of hennas violent crimes, and in some cases sending the criminals right back onto the street to commit the same crimes all over again.

The waste of police man power during the harassment and confiscation of guns from innocent law abiding citizens left no time for police to investigate real crime, some of which was created by the gun confiscation itself. No one can really say how many murders could have been avoided if innocent citizens had been armed, and police had done what police are supposed to do, enforce the law instead of violating it.

So who is to blame for this fiasco? Once all the facts are contributed to the equation, the bottom line reads the Incompetence of Mayor Nagin plus the criminal actions of police superintendent Riley plus the lack of court responsibility equals the highest murder rate committed with a gun per capita in the world.

THE BOTTOM LINE: is fairly obvious; again when the Constitution is ignored, and the rights of the people are infringed, the criminals will rule. It is, as if the Constitutional architects knew what they were doing when they wrote the highest law of the land. Every time Constitutional law is ignored or violated, the result is chaos, oppression, fear, and yes even death. Classic cases of this philosophy can be found in third world countries as well as right here in the U.S, right down through history and including modern times. When ever guns are confiscated, crime, oppression, even genocide, abound, the innocent have no way of protecting themselves from a criminal attack or an oppressive government.

The only reason to ban guns from the general public is to administer the militant power of the government, it never stops crime it only enhances and promotes it, whether it is committed by criminals or by the government itself…

de Andréa

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