Saturday, January 20, 2007

Has Our Government Gone Absolutely Crazy???

New York Times April 21, 1943
The American people have elected two Nazi Senators to the U.S. Congress and one of them may run for President of the United States. Several American Cities have elected Japanese Mayors. U.S. school children are taught Nazism and to say Hail Hitler, many are taking Tokkotia pilot training, also known as Kamikaze.

By de Andréa

This of course did not happen in 1943. Why? Because in 1943, we were at war with the German Nazis and the Japanese Imperialists, and it would have been absolutely insane to allow this to happen then. However today it seems it is a different story, it would appear that we have lost our ability to think rationally and today we have in fact, gone blindly insane.

Our enemy, the Nation of Islam, obviously cannot win a war against the U.S. in the conventional way, Might against Might. Instead they have made this a war of Brains against Braun. Moreover our enemy apparently has all the brains and is stealthily winning this war by Government and societal infiltration, as well as Politically Correct Islamic Indoctrination.

Even after a vicious attack on this country on 911 and the subsequent war against Islam in Afghanistan and Iraq; our enemy, the Nation of Islam, has intelligently and deceptively managed to infiltrate this entire nation, and by using our own rights, freedom, and laws against us, has surreptitiously convinced the American Government and the populace into accepting them as our peaceful warm fuzzy friends here at home and in Europe, while they commit murder, make war, and terrorize the rest of the world.

Islam is the only religion that is allowed to be taught in our public schools, if it is being taught correctly, then our children are being indoctrinated with the agenda in the Quran which is world subjugation to Islamic law, and the mandatory conversion of all people to the religion of Islam.

Moreover we allow the brainwashing of our U.S. Security Departments such as the Airport security, Home Land Security, U.S. Customs etc. with Islamic sensitivity indoctrination, and we use CAIR, a known Terrorist organization whose leader has vowed to bring the U.S. under the control of Islamic law, to carry out this training of our security agencies. This of course is the deceptive fox, brainwashing the chickens, with I am your moderate warm fuzzy friendly fox routine, and you can trust me.

Just as in the opening Headline we do now in fact have two Islamic Senators in our Congress; one of them is planning to run for President of these United States in 2008. No, this could not have happened in 1943, because in 1943 we still believed in Liberty, Freedom, Capitalism, and a Constitutional Republic. Moreover we loved this country enough to put Germans and Japanese in internment camps until the war was over because we were fighting for our very existence and we knew that we could not take the chance that some of these people might be our enemy, Nazi or Japanese imperialists.

The question that is burning to be asked of our administration is: Have we become so intelligent as to be able to tell whether or not any of OUR MUSLIMS are, or are not, part and parcel of the Islamic agenda to conquer and subjugate the entire world under Islamic law? Have we become so intelligent that for the first time we can totally ignore history, all rational, and the obvious, and rely on some kind of super developed sense that we can tell a so-called good and peaceful Muslim from a bad deceptive Muslim? Or is it that we have become so blindly stupid and Politically Correct and brainwashed so as to be systematically and cleverly deceived to the point of putting the very people that we are at war with, in charge of our country? Is it just possible that we have been so cleverly deceived that we have blindly played right in to the hands of this enemy who wants nothing less, but to destroy and or conquer this country and its people?

THE BOTTOM LINE: The headline at the beginning of this article that would have been considered insane in 1943 is in fact the headline of today, it is just at a different time, and with a different and even more dangers enemy.

de Andréa
A little history on the next President of the Islamic States of America, Barak Hussein Obama

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