Saturday, December 02, 2006


By de Andréa

I am sure glad that there are only a very few Muslim Extremists, Insurgents, Terrorists, or whatever way or however one desires to be deceived. Isn’t it interesting though, that the world seems never to run out of these very few Radical Murdering Terrorist Extremists. Since before the Christian Crusades, for over 1000 years we still have not run out of the very few fringe bad Muslims, after all there is always at least one bad apple in every barrel, right?

I wish the few gallons of gas in my tank were like the few bad Radical Muslim Extremists, it would never run out of gas. Moreover as when the Catholic Church had a few bad Priests and Cardinals in their Churches, they got rid of them, because a few bad apples can spoil the barrel. Then why don’t we see the [good] Imams of Islam at least helping the Western Nations to get rid of these so-called, very few bad Muslims Extremists? After all if it is true, that there are just a very few bad Muslims it would be in the best interest of Islam to pick out and dispose of these few rotten apples, and if there are so few, it should take very little effort or time to purge this Peaceful Nation of these extremely few bad renegades.

I remember right after November 11, 2001 the preferred way to refer to these few bad Muslims, was Fundamentalists. The definition of fundamentalists according to Webster is a 20th century Protestant movement, emphasizing the literal interpretation of the Bible. I wonder how many buildings these Protestants Fundamentalists blew up or how many thousands of non-fundamentalists or non-Christians they murdered. Maybe they just didn’t do it out in the open as the few Muslim Fundamentalists do, and are the Protestant Fundamentalists still secretly making war on the rest of the world? Moreover, if not, why? What ever happened to these Muslim Fundamentalists anyway, were they replaced with these very few Muslim Extremist murdering terrorist insurgents?

In the Judaic/Christian Bible, Jehovah, the God of Abraham commanded that we shall not murder anyone, so Christians do not, fundamental or not. In the Muslim Quran, Allah the god of Muhammad commanded that Muslims shall make slaves of and or murder all infidels (non-Muslims), so Muslims do, fundamental or not.

Why hasn’t there been a few Radical Christian Extremist or a few Buddhists, or Nudists, or Hindu’s, Scientologists, or Methodists, Philosophers or any other religious group of people who believe in something or someone; making war on the rest of the world; simply because they believe in something different? Oh yes, the Nazis. But of course it was just a very few bad Nazis that tried to murder a Nation, and conquer others, for the purpose of shoving their beliefs down the throat of the rest of the world. Like the so-called majority of the moderate middle of the road Muslims, most of the Nazis were good, loving, and warm fuzzy people. Of course we can’t leave out the Japanese Imperialists, we all know of course, that there were only a very few Japanese Imperialist Extremists that we were fighting all over the Pacific Ocean, and this is why if necessary, we were finally prepared to bomb the Islands of Japan right off the map to stop them. Recently there were a few 80 plus year old Japanese found in the caves of a South Pacific Island still fighting the Second World War, approximately 60 years later, but of course there were probably just a very few Extremists among them.

THE BOTTOM LINE: If one is old enough to remember or had read ones history book, one would have found that this is exactly what the media was saying about the Nazis in the 1930’s. “Oh, these are just a few radicals, and therefore not a significant threat”. If at that time, the rest of the world would have read Mine Kampf, the hand book of the Nazis, written by their god Adolph Hitler, the war could have been won before it began. If now the West would educate themselves about this enemy, by reading the Quran, the Handbook of Islam, written by their god Allah, this war could also be won nearly overnight.

I guess ignorance is bliss, however in the case of Islam, just as in the case of the Nazis, what you don’t know, will eventually murder you, if not you, then your children and their families, what’s worse they will curse you for your blissful lazy complacent, ignorance. Isn’t it so much easier just to sip ones Mint-Juleps around the swimming pool, and to just repeat all the rhetorical media disseminated nonsense, that one has been indoctrinated with, through the academics at our colleges, and our Governments Religion of Political Correctness, than it is to track down the truth for oneself???. Of course it is, so go back to sleeping off your hangover, after all your children may even find it in their big bloody hearts to understand and forgive you for putting them through the Hell that you could have stopped if you just would have got of your duff an shook your fist in the face of Satan. Have a quiet and blissful nap, ZZZ…

de Andréa

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